ebb and flood help pleas plus rep for input


Active Member
hey guys how is it going still kinda new to this whle thing i have been doing some research and cant really find what i am looking for or people say difernt things ....so her is my situation i have a homebox l with ten clones in it rather new in 4' rockwell cubes should i flood more then 2 times a day for 15 min and also are clay pebbles nessacary or not untill roots get bigger i am also using t5 lights and the temp stays around 80 i can have pics up later if needed


Well-Known Member
Whats OG, flood as needed. For clones, twice a day is prob good. Once the root start to show out the bottom, get some hydroton. It will keep the roots from drying out. Your temps are a lil concerning. Its ok now because they are clones, but later around 75 is ideal. Hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
Rockwool holds a lot of water, watering too often with rockwool is a very very bad idea. Don't water them more than they need, it'll just cause rot and mold issues. Nobody can tell you how often they'll need water, but the plants will tell you. If they end up too dry with one watering, do two. If two comes to be not enough, then use three. When you first start plants they won't even need once a day, I usually start with once every two days and then as the plant needs more you start watering more often.

Yes you should add a material for the rockwool to sit on like lava rock or hydroton. The increased space for roots always helps, will promote faster growth, and it will help keep the rockwool from staying too soaked if you just flood to no higher than covering the bottom 1/4" of rockwool at it's highest point.


Active Member
but how do i keep the water below that level its says i have a 40 gal resivoir and i put like 15 gallons in and it was filled wierd? and the water will pretty much fill 3/4 even if i put the drain on lower is the pump to powerful


Well-Known Member
welcome home!

I grow in 4 in rw. I got it down to a science. just now. l

I am just finishing my first grow and have just planted some seedlings, in fresh 4 in blocks.

I am watering once a day or every other day in veg. That would be the same for clones. But, it all depends on your flood time and your tray siaze and how hight you water.

If you just water them properly it is once 1-2 days. You gotta time it. I am guessing that 2 days is best until you get to flower.

I overwatered and i had to wait like 4 days once on veg. In flower it is every day or they might die. Lots more roots to feed then or drink.;)

Nver let your cube dry out. nver squeeze your cube. I

I use a 3x3 tray. I flood 11 gallons to get 1 in up the cube or pot with cube and cubes.

So flood 11 gallons or put your overflow so it floods 1 in up the sides pfcubes for 5 min. % might even be to long. you will learn to fill it out. did I miss anything.


Well-Known Member
5 minutes total flood time is probably all you need to flood and soak a cube. in veg it might be 3 min if you can. only flood as long as it takes to get 1 in up the cube.

Now during flower I have one plant than i have to leave going a min or 2 longer asw it ont take up water well. but that it is how it is.


Well-Known Member
here this is better advice. If you have been lightly watering your cubes with say an inch of water for a few minutes. and after every feedong the bottom of the block looks dark and you can feel that heavy base but the upper portion looks light dont wory.

the rw is wicking it up inside. that is perfect. feed like that every day. i will weigh a blck for you.


Well-Known Member
my plants hate any heat higher than 81.5. i am not kidding they start to turn up the edgs of leaves.

they hate over 77 I think. they just take some time to show it. It is not worth having a heat damaged crop.

my first crop the temps got over 90+. their was no buds. I have huge fans and air now. It is worth it.

taking care of the plants is worth slepping on the floor in scarves.


Well-Known Member
as to clay pebbles.
I dont use em.

I put my plants in pots. then i pack the sides of those pots with rw. That way I can move the plants.

i also idid this cuz i had seeds and security issues.

you wont need the pebbles till roots show if you go that way. you will have a noce bed of roots if you use them. that is always nice. the more roots the more plants.

some people use rw mats. some pots. some pebbles. if you got the pebbles you can add them whenever you like.

to help you. i vegged for 2 months and roots barly showed out the 4 in cubes. they took off after that.

I would guess add them as soon as you can if you are going to.

look into lsting. it works wonders and is easy.


Well-Known Member
Watch the video called "I grow chronic" on youtube. It'll be split up in many parts but watch the whole thing, it shows you how to set up a complete proper ebb and flow and how to use it.