ebb and flo tray help


Well-Known Member
Im gonna mooch of this post since no one is answering mine about the same subject. Im using a 3x3 "pro" table with hydroton in 8 inch painters buckets. water 3times a day and they are not looking so hot, could this be underwatering them? Refering to the 4-5 times i day i read above. Also ive heard of adding drippers if using hydroton, any experience with this anyone?


Well-Known Member
another question, im using rooter plugs, not rockwool, how deep should these be placed?


Well-Known Member
hey i back. lol. just to let u know. i going i think to go ebb and flo. i been gone a while, i actually built a aeroponic chamber and the pump get here 2 morow. Lol then i ran into an unexpected 300 hundred dollars or so. i loked on ebay for fun and fell in love with the 200 to 300 dollar systems they gor for 400s. I love them all!!! . i mean i got dreams where i wake up smilong. But i think i might getg a 250 dollar ebb and flo. 3x3 tray system with res. the other i wanted was 8 bucket waterfarm, 18 site rainforest adn the 14 pot next level turbogarden. if anyone has any thought i would appreciate it. i cud build the tray system, after all ig to pump. i kinda wud wantg to buy the tray at least, what else is their but fitting and reservoir. lose some of the cosmetic appeal..Althogu if i am stoend at all with thtat cash in ahnd i will prob buy asystem lol. So if anyone has seen these systems in action i wud love to hear anything!

Water ur hydroton 4-5 times a day a i guess during lights on. maybe more i herd. if u not in rockwool maybe ur plugs are not lo enuf. need more water!. i wud guess soak them if they not in rw in fact, maybe rinse some of the dirt off if yu can. that just a guess, i stilla dwc noob.


Well-Known Member
lol, funny I stumbled into this post, i have both the waterfarm 8 bucket system and the 318 rainforest.

waterfarm 8 pack - very hard to mess up, i didnt much like that the last buckets get runoff from the other 3 and only get this if they drink whats in theirs, so i built a recirculating device (major pain in the ass) too make sure all the water in every system and the rez were all the same ph/ppm. IMO they are nice as single units for the mothers, put as a whole, just not very well thought out, the blue lines that are included also let light in and grow algae so these must be changed too(i want whatever they were smoking at gh). I no longer use them at all. Also takes up a huge footprint (one reflector cant cover all 4 ), i guess this is cool if you want some giants, just not my type of thing.

Rainforest 318 - Its basically an aeroponic system for 18 plants, but you cant grow them for very long in here as they are all like 2 inches apart. I used mine as a veg station pre aero flowering, this works out ok as long as you make sure not to leave them in long enough for all the roots to get tangled. As a cloner, I would imagine that it works better than most aerocloners (it has some of the finest mist ive ever seen in an aero device), although I still clone the old fashion way, the one time I tried it did work, but it just seemed easier for me to continue the old ways. This sits alongside the waterfarm in a pile of un-used equipment. I am trying tables now, and as far as easy to use (flushing, cleaning, checking nutes) its the best option. Also as for aero in general, if temps are a problem you will get root rot which is more or less ireversable, not for the beginer.


Well-Known Member
wow ty jq. i guess got the pump i was going to use for aero in the mail today, the misters i ahd that i thought were going to ba all pimp were impossible to get any water through for any pump, barely the entire shower head! I was going to go to home depot to looka round then i thought chill, dont be reash, and read. i did not know that about temps in aero. i thought the spraying would take care of that. damn i have real heat issues. also that is good news about the rainforest, i wondered if it was bunk or real. top bad about the size. i want more than 6 as for the bigger one. i guess that a 3x3 tray for me. i got the pump and timer now. i gonna diy it. i might buy the tray, just to be a dork, lol,, they so cosmetically pretty that i wanna blow a wad for fun! Dman some of those systems nice and coincidentally all about 250, the same amount i just came in to, lol, dont ask. Have u seen the american econo ebb and flo for 268? m that a beautiful ebb and flo system. it also on ebay, u can look around and get it for free shipping. I might just buy the tray and fittings. i was gonna go buy a big charcoal filter as i was haveing major smell issues form my veg cab of all things, but this hilarious diy filter i made worked great. just couple cups of charcola and wow! Man i never smellled anything as goood as these plants vegging i dont know if they all smell like this or what but wow, this my first gorw and it almost a sexy lady mint , my frickin god, i wanna trun off the filter and forget the neighbors. I laughed a tmyself this morning, why dont i just get some rockwool ebb pots going and not buy the table. just handwater, lol. i did that as an experiment for one clone and it went awesome. i thought uit was jst looking that way topside as a fluke because i saw no roots and her siter in ddwc had massive roots so i cut her out. i was wrong! In the rockwool the plants use the rw to an incredible economy, it is undescribable. It even looked better topside than the dwc. That will be my media. or tire mulch. Kinds depressed about the aero being hard in heat, i live in desert. But i excited by the ebb sstem being so stable, and i f i get a little loaded i know i gonna end uo with the american econ ebb system, that black one with that awesome looking table! good luck, pm me yur reslults or post here, i going to keep it up