Ebay LED grow experiment


Well-Known Member
How hot is your led? I would just give it some time, you just transplanted it could just be stress. Try not to over analyze it.


Well-Known Member
i def think i put it too low, other plants showed heatstress signs too, and one plant Shows signs of light bleaching. Just too powerfull These cheapo leds ;-) Max temp at Emitters i measured was like 49°C, IR thermo direcly at it in middle of the fixture


Active Member
i use chinese led lights and they work awesome . maybe not on par with expensive brands because they're led spectrum's but that can be fixed.. 500watt and 200watt led both are from ledgrowlightsmanufaturer. and 2x 42w 2700k's also the odd days

got a mars 2 1200w on the way with 5w diaods soon


Well-Known Member
wow! 49c Lax raise your light im sorry. wtf why is your leds running so hot? where did you get them from? my led fixture produces so little heat its a joke something like 15 degrees.


Well-Known Member
welcome raven! you showed up. I agree with you completely keep us posted on your progress what equipment are you running and where did you get it from.


Well-Known Member
youngbuzz, its a DIY panel.
I wonder is really the temp of ur emitters, at the hottest spot like 15°C?
Also do you know the Voltage and Amps of your fan(s)? Maybe i have to increase their speed.


Well-Known Member
Have you installed a heat sink to your led. I have no tech skills so no DIY for me lol.

DHL called said they had my package today so im sitting here waiting wooh excited!


Well-Known Member
yea i have a heatsink. I increased fan voltages from 5V to 9V and omg its sooo much cooler now. But louder. Are your led fixtures fans "loud"?


Well-Known Member
no they are silent but its diy so pat yourself on the back. who cares if it is a bit louder is it stealth set up? oh and the lights have arrived i will post a complete post tomorrow im on my ps3 now.


Active Member
Im subbed up ive been wanting to try out led's for awhile now and just simply cant afford the big name brand lights so im interested to see how this turns out


Well-Known Member
That sprouts odds are slim. When i germ i just leave seeds in a shot glass of water in a warm place always works for me. The 300w led is so bright in comparisson to the 180 w but im happy at how fast they arrived. Less than a week.


Active Member
Just checked her again and she's still going, but I did break off one a the pre-leaves. Other than that, she looks healthy.

solocups 002.jpgsolocups 003.jpg

I tried taking a couple close-ups outside of the led light. They didn't come out very clear, but the flash made a cool looking glow around the seedling.

solocups 005.jpgsolocups 006.jpg


Well-Known Member
Chinese leds will yield good results. The downfall is that they don't last. My Apollo went about 15 months before 2 clusters went out. Then it sat for 6 months and then it was stolen. I planner on DIY modifications on it. But oh well. also they use more watts and have lower par than the higher end last leds.

every thing looks good for every one on this thread.
good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Well if they will yeild good for a quarter of the price then ill make do with wasted wattage, and replace them as needed it's a hobby for me not a career.