Eating weed


Active Member
I just wasted half a 10 bag on eatin my green

the other half i blunted and was out for 6 hours lol.

how can i be such a waste to eat it i thought it would be goood !! :?


Well-Known Member
eating it is a waste ot time cause u are fucked for hours and if u took a good bit ur fucked the next day 2!!:-?


Well-Known Member
the reason why is you probably didnty cook it right thc starts to be released or break down or whatever at around 180 degrees i think and it needs a fat to bind to so you eally need to cook it into butter or oil then make food out of that butter/oil and eat that from your post it sounds like you just ate some weed but dont feel bad first time i tried to eat weed i ground up a half ounced on some pizza and microwaved it lol i didnt get high but i did have a hard time swallowing a bunch of microwaved weed on a piece of pizza


Well-Known Member
also eating half a 10 bag isnt worth cooking get like an once and grgrind it into 1lb of butter and simmer it for like an hour or put in a rock pot then filter out all the plant matter and eat the butter you will be trashed for like 10 hours


Active Member
eat hasj instead, gets you fucked up as hell...

BTW i guess you have to take it or cook it with some butter, because THC will stick to the fat, if you just ate some fries or other fat food, it will work too