Eating cannabis oil cures cancer!



Visit this link to watch hundreds of extremely informative videos and learn how Properly Produced High grade Cannabis oil (Rick Simpson style) cures cancer and all health issues.

1 pound of dry quality Cannabis Hemp bud will usually produce 60g of high grade (Rick Simpson's Cancer Cure ALL 95-98% THC Hemp) Oil. About 90 days to ingest the full 60g treatment, 3 (half a grain of short grained rice) doses per day. Most increase by doubling every 4 days. If damaged by Chemo/Radiation sometimes patients will need 120-180g over a longer period of time. I recommend a maintenance dose of 1g per month (32.87 milligrams per day OR 60g (60,000 milligrams) = 5 years)."
Rick Simpson


This medicine cures so many things it is amazing and IF IT DOESN'T cure everything, it will treat it BETTER than anything else this BS "medical" system can give you.

People need to realize this whole system is about profit and they don't actually want to heal you. Is it really that hard to see that all their poison does is kill?

The reason this medicine cures or treats all medical conditions phenomenally is because of the ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM that we all have.

Cannabinoid Receptors are in our skin, brain, immune system, intestines, liver, spine, ribs, white blood cells, & bone marrow (STEM CELLS) etc. Without the 600 Million+ year old Endocannabinoid System*, Stem Cells would act like a car without a driver. *Dr. Guy, Executive Chairman of GW Pharmaceuticals, London, UK
Ty for this link Green. My uncle is dealing with cancer right now and although he is not in a medical state I keep passing information like this to him.
I take a little nip, the glycerol based tincture taste pretty good,its for digesting, I wondering if it works as well?as the Simpson oil?
Phone giving me trouble is why my posts are looking allcrazy this morning.
"Light Petroleum Ether (60-80°) works well, but a single extraction removes only 88-95% of the cannabinoids; a double extraction removes up to 99%. Ethanol (Alcohol) also can be used, but it removes ballast pigments and sugars which COMPLICATE the purification of the resin" Dr. Tod Mikuriya, former National Admin. U.S. Govt. Marijuana Research Programs

*Rick Simpson's favorites FIRST-LAST: Petroleum Ether, Naphtha, Isopropyl/100%/95% Alcohol

PROPERTIES OF CANNABIS: SEE CANNABINOID CHART anxiolytic, antipsychotic, antiepileptic, neuroprotective, vasorelaxant, antispasmodic, anti-ischemic,antiproliferative,anticancer,antiemetic,antibacterial,antidiabetic,antisoriatic,intestinal anti-prokinetic, bone stimulant, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppresive, anorectic, analgesic, antimicrobialView attachment 2437365
Chemicals in Cannabis:
1. Cannabinoids: 78 known as of 2008.
2. Terpenoids: 103 known
3. Fatty Acids: 12 known
4. Non-cannabinoid Phenols: 16 known
5. Flavanoids: 19 known- these are potential antioxidants​
Many of the cannabinoids and terpenoids found within marijuana work together to create an additive effect called synergy. Synergy refers to an increased effect caused by combining two or more drugs, an effect that could not be caused by either drug alone.​
Synergy of cannabinoids is supported by the fact that Marinol (synthetic, pure THC), has a higher incidence rate of panic attacks and paranoia than clinical studies utilizing whole marijuana plant.​
The following list describes comparisons in medical efficacy of marijuana constituents to conventional medications, in addition to illustrating point of potential synergy:
1. CBD, CBG, CBN, β-myrcene (terpenoid), quercitan (flavanoid), and Cannflavin A, are but a few constituents other than THC that exert anti-inflammatory effects.

2. Cannflavin A is 30x more potent than aspirin in reducing inflammation in rheumatoid synovial cells (arthritis model).

3. THC has 20x anti-inflammatory effects of aspirin, twice that of hydrocortisone

4. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties at lower doses than aspirin

5. Quercitan is a powerful antioxidant. Also found to be anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory, which may mitigate the potential for marijuana smoking to cause lung cancer.​
• Source: Chapter 7 of “Medical uses of cannabis and Cannabinoids”, Geoffrey Guy, 2004.

Here is one of hundreds of videos in case people aren't visiting the links....

A biochemist cures his prostate cancer using oil.
it's a shame not many care about this. i'll have to go elsewhere to get the knowledge out. you will start to care when it's yourself or a loved one. trust me
yes yes yes, beleive this people i was saved by canabis oil, had cancer was die-ing and am in remission now from bone cancer. my name says it all CANCER SURVIVOR
There is a difference between assertions and evidence.

Lots of impressive claims being made here. . .very little proof.

Show me a peer-reviewed study demonstrating benefit of hemp oil in treating cancer (doesn't even have to be blinded) then you'll have something.
Until then, this is just a lot of smoke.
yes yes yes, beleive this people i was saved by canabis oil, had cancer was die-ing and am in remission now from bone cancer. my name says it all CANCER SURVIVOR

Did you make the oil yourself?
Congratulations on beating the beast! I'm looking into this and am trying to figure out how I bring myself to risk blowing up the house/barn/kitchen in order to wipe out a lb of primo buds... It better fucking cure me or I'm gonna feel like a moron for wasting all that smoke.:-?
Hope you are enjoying the rum, saw your posts about dinner and got to say, dude, you know how to enjoy life.:clap:
Okay well cures is a stronge word to use here. I would say it stops the tumor and this will depend on where your cancer is but if I had cancer I would start here with his mix of meds which is why when they limit the amount of cannabis they are really doing a stupid thing for ppl that want to try this. headband 707
Good info! I got some cbd crew nordle beans coming that should be today. Going to start a seperate crop from our rec smoke dedicated to making oil for my wifes stomach cancer.
thanks for sharing.

But this kind of freaked me out.
