easyryder harvest BIG PLANT


Active Member
That's between 1 1/2 oz and 2 oz....looks good.....bet it's just as tasty. I just harvested a lowryder 2 that was 42 g dry...my largest one ever in 4 yrs of growing the 'ryders.....
Also an accurate guess there reefer, congrats on ur big lowryder harvest. Cant believe these weights are acheivable with autos. I thought at one stage this girl had had it with being stunted but she was a winner.
Rep for everyone here!!


Well-Known Member
well if it was mine, id guess around 2.5 oz, but that stuff looks pretty dense so hopefully you may get more.

edit:shit maybe i should read the last page before i post lol


Well-Known Member
Nice man. I really enjoyed my ER I grew outdoors last summer. It was late in the season so it didn't get all too big, but it was excellent smoke. Nice sweet smell to it. It did go 10+ weeks from seed though. Maybe a little quicker indoors?

It's a nice score, but I'd say under an oz dry once the big stems are removed.


Active Member
Nice man. I really enjoyed my ER I grew outdoors last summer. It was late in the season so it didn't get all too big, but it was excellent smoke. Nice sweet smell to it. It did go 10+ weeks from seed though. Maybe a little quicker indoors?

It's a nice score, but I'd say under an oz dry once the big stems are removed.
I had 2 going, one was in a regular size pot and went for 9 weeks. This monster was pushing 11 weeks because of a stunt she suffered from me going too heavy on the nutes but oh was she worth the wait.
That is the weight with all stems removed and with the buds 90% dry after 4 full days or drying. but yeh could be a few grams less by tommorow.


Active Member
is it true you gotta stay 18/6 the whole life of the plant (for these autos)
Yeah you can go 12/12 but they prefer 18 to 24 hours light.
Great for growing outdoors in countries with a long summer because you can grow multiple crops.


Active Member
Congrats my friend, you didnt guess the exact weight but you were the closest.
50G dry!!!!
im ecstatic with the result! im gonna give or take a gram or 2 because its pretty dry now but by tommorow it will be spot on.
i was expecting the buds to shrink alot while drying but they really didnt that much, real dense beefy nugs.
My advice to whoever is growing this strain is to stick them in huge buckets and give em lots of light and space.
Ok i did not read anything othe rthan the original post, I never intened for you to sen dme some if i was correct. I just noticed it looking back today.
Pretty chuffed to be honest that i was out by .2 ;)

Ive stuffed enough ounces into bags to gues pretty well by now.


Active Member
hands down boys, final weight when fully dry and crispy, trimmed FULLY was 45g. so yeh 3g over 1.5oz
thanks for all the comments it was certainly my biggest auto yeilder!!

As you can see here a couple days before the slam she was in some state due to the stunt i mentioned and actually had doubts weather she would make it.


Well-Known Member
very nice plant but dont forget if you are going to cure for say another two weeks you will lose another few grams from that total as well..A lot of people dont know this i figured this out when i use to dry my bud and then weigh it out into mason jars one ounce apiece well after my 3 or 4 week cure they no longer weigh an ounce...Just something to think about..


Active Member
very nice plant but dont forget if you are going to cure for say another two weeks you will lose another few grams from that total as well..A lot of people dont know this i figured this out when i use to dry my bud and then weigh it out into mason jars one ounce apiece well after my 3 or 4 week cure they no longer weigh an ounce...Just something to think about..
this is true i know, half of it has already been given out to a few mates and the rest il just be curing / smoking as i go :)
not the strongest most potent plant but take nothing away from her shes still a very nice chilled out auto smoke.
Next is the kannabia white domina (non auto) and by the sounds of the strain she will be 1 to go through a full cure!!


Well-Known Member
Sounds good i'll be checking you out then..I just chopped my auto shorty and if the smoke is anything close to the sweet funky smell that girl let off in my house and the dence buds she gave i should be in for a treat..Check her out in my sig Royal haze grow...Peace