Easy way to make ejuice?


Well-Known Member
Been trying different methods to make e juice.
One using pg and vg another one using wax liquidizer. None of them gave any high whatsoever.
Now i wonder if it's possible to make e juice letting buds soak in vegetable glycerin for some months?
definitely interested in what you're doing here i make my own ejuices sans thc but would absolutely LOVE some thc in my all day vape but out of curiosity are you making juice for rta/rda/sub-ohm type vapes or for like old school cartomizers (dispensary style carts)
how thick would the resulting liquid be? in cartomizers best i remember they use silica wicking rope instead of cotton that they use in rda/rtas and coils for sub-ohm tanks. the silica material will not burn/combust under the heat of the coil however cotton will singe/combust if the liquid isnt the perfect consistency usually this is defined by the e-juice percentages of vg/pg with lower amounts of pg equating to thicker liquids
then would be the problem of taste if making an actual flavored juice will add more to this later but gtg for now
Would my swag vape work for thc e- juice or is the ceramic glass oil atomizer 0.77 which nappertunity refers to better for this purpouse?
Been trying different methods to make e juice.
One using pg and vg another one using wax liquidizer. None of them gave any high whatsoever.
Now i wonder if it's possible to make e juice letting buds soak in vegetable glycerin for some months?
Tried that, didn't have enough of a concentration for a buzz after two months steeping...also ruined the tank about 1/4 of the way through the liquid. @Nappertunity is on the money for this one- you're gonna need something like rosin that has already been hyper filtered. That could then be thinned out with PG/VG enough to work. Not sure what the ratio would be though.
Would my swag vape work for thc e- juice or is the ceramic glass oil atomizer 0.77 which nappertunity refers to better for this purpouse?
If you want to make it easy use a ceramic heating unit or something with a metal bucket like the Sai...then you can just vape extract directly and not bother trying to make it into a liquid that will wick.
We used aceton and hash, mixed it with pg/VG blend. Got pretty stoned. Same high as when using volcano.
Acetone as in nail polish remover? Pretty sure you're not supposed to inhale that one :lol: :lol: :lol:

With Rosin the heat and pressure have already changed the initial oils enough that they SHOULD just dissolve into PG/VG... I just wonder how much more work is done before the dispensary vape cartridges actually hit the shelves.... I'd assume there is a secondary refinement process.

That's the one I'm rocking right now and the titanium bucket design is pretty solid. Only thing is it needs to stay upright if being stored for any length of time... especially right after use &/or if in a hot environment. I'm hitting it at ~28w on my mod so basically anything more than a tiny pen vape should be able to power it.
Not sure if it's the same but yeah not supposed to inhale it, which is why u let it evaporate :) mixing in a metal cup on a oil-filled heater and just let it sit there doing its thing in peace.
Gotcha.... well if the material is already refined enough you shouldn't need that for making juice. VG/PG are actually fairly mild solvents...