Easy & Still Works Way To Getting Fat Buds - Ghetto Set Up - Begining Stages


Active Member
Well here is my set up and all pretty ghetto but is doing okay for me!! But hey if it gets the job done just cheaper. easier and just by using around the house items. P.S Pictures are going to be on next post/thread or whatever with Day Numbers to help out everyone from noobs to experienced growers.

First Step
Things I need.
- Ziplock Baggies
- Toilet Paper
- Spray Water Bottle
- Seeds
- Time

1. What I did when I germinated my seeds was grab about 4 to 5 squares of toilet paper and fold it a couple times so it fits your palm.
2. Then I separated the seeds from darker and lighter. The lighter seeds just discard. Eat them, throw them away or flush them down the toilet I don't care.
3. Spread the darker colored seeds around the folded toilet paper and then spray water onto the toilet paper and seeds.
4. Fold over and 1 more time.
5. Then place the folded toilet paper with moisted seeds into ziplock bag. DONT ZIP SHUT YET!
6. Spray a couple more times into bag to add mist then you can zip lock the bag closed!
7. Place into DIRECT sunlight and don't disturb the bag by either OPENING, DROPPING, LICKING. JUST DONT SCREW WITH THE BAG!
8. Then in exactly 3 days from when placed into sunlight open bag.(BE CAREFUL IT MIGHT STINK) But then all the seeds should still be there unless you had a friend over in which could of stole them but if they are still their. Then CAREFULLY place seeds into moist soil or any kind of "JUST ADD WATER" thingys. I use the started kit from www.Ferry-Morse.com. Very useful.

Dont forget to water and i water 3 times a day. First at 7:00am(WAKE UP), 3:00pm(GET HOME), then at 11:00pm(BEDTIME). Now if you are very observant you would of noticed that they are in 8 hour intervals so whatever works for you works then. LOL.

I keep my lights on 24/7. 24 hours everyday forever. Just kidding at least when they are anywhere from seedlings to 40cm tall. You can keep your Light Source anywhere from 2 inches(When Little Seedlings) to 5 inches when older. Experament with your "PLANTS" and see what works best for you.

Now that leads us to Step 2!

Second Step
Things I need.
- Light Source
- "Holders"
- Regular Water Cups
- Time
- Knife or something sharp to cut holes into bottom of cups

1. After You Wait Anywhere From 2-5 Weeks, Just Depends On Root System. If It Looks Like Roots Are Out Growing Themselves Then Place Into Bigger Pot or Cup With Drainage Holes In Bottom of Pot or Cup. But Fill Cup/Pot 1/4 way up to top then place "PLANT" into pot/cup then place 3/4 rest of soil. Then spray water alot.
2. Did you cut holes into bottom of cup or pot if needed?? Just making sure buddies! But onto NUMBER TWO. Once you added soil and the "PLANT" make sure you emedetly water your "PLANT" but still stick to your schedule, 8 hour watering intervals.

sorry go to beat it for now ill be back on and add more to it in a couple of days. for questions just post them or send me a private message and ill help you and if i dont know the answer I SWEAR TO GOD that i will find the answer for you and give you the link and/or source where i found the answer!! DONT DRINK AND DRIVE/SMOKE AND FLY!!



Well-Known Member
hmmm I have never watered like that and my babies are strong...........

lol interesting how many diferent techniques we get here. rofl


Well-Known Member
i use the same technique but keep them on top the fridge where it is warm and dark. the strong ones take just 24 hours. if they dont come by 72hours i dont use them (fungis usually). only the strong survive! oh yeah they shouldnt stink, that is a bad sign. imo

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
[[TRAP SQUAD]];120397 said:
Well here is my set up and all pretty ghetto but is doing okay for me!! But hey if it gets the job done just cheaper. easier and just by using around the house items. P.S Pictures are going to be on next post/thread or whatever with Day Numbers to help out everyone from noobs to experienced growers.

First Step
Things I need.
- Ziplock Baggies
- Toilet Paper
- Spray Water Bottle
- Seeds
- Time

1. What I did when I germinated my seeds was grab about 4 to 5 squares of toilet paper and fold it a couple times so it fits your palm.
2. Then I separated the seeds from darker and lighter. The lighter seeds just discard. Eat them, throw them away or flush them down the toilet I don't care.
3. Spread the darker colored seeds around the folded toilet paper and then spray water onto the toilet paper and seeds.
4. Fold over and 1 more time.
5. Then place the folded toilet paper with moisted seeds into ziplock bag. DONT ZIP SHUT YET!
6. Spray a couple more times into bag to add mist then you can zip lock the bag closed!
7. Place into DIRECT sunlight and don't disturb the bag by either OPENING, DROPPING, LICKING. JUST DONT SCREW WITH THE BAG!
8. Then in exactly 3 days from when placed into sunlight open bag.(BE CAREFUL IT MIGHT STINK) But then all the seeds should still be there unless you had a friend over in which could of stole them but if they are still their. Then CAREFULLY place seeds into moist soil or any kind of "JUST ADD WATER" thingys. I use the started kit from www.Ferry-Morse.com. Very useful.

Dont forget to water and i water 3 times a day. First at 7:00am(WAKE UP), 3:00pm(GET HOME), then at 11:00pm(BEDTIME). Now if you are very observant you would of noticed that they are in 8 hour intervals so whatever works for you works then. LOL.

I keep my lights on 24/7. 24 hours everyday forever. Just kidding at least when they are anywhere from seedlings to 40cm tall. You can keep your Light Source anywhere from 2 inches(When Little Seedlings) to 5 inches when older. Experament with your "PLANTS" and see what works best for you.

Now that leads us to Step 2!

Second Step
Things I need.
- Light Source
- "Holders"
- Regular Water Cups
- Time
- Knife or something sharp to cut holes into bottom of cups

1. After You Wait Anywhere From 2-5 Weeks, Just Depends On Root System. If It Looks Like Roots Are Out Growing Themselves Then Place Into Bigger Pot or Cup With Drainage Holes In Bottom of Pot or Cup. But Fill Cup/Pot 1/4 way up to top then place "PLANT" into pot/cup then place 3/4 rest of soil. Then spray water alot.
2. Did you cut holes into bottom of cup or pot if needed?? Just making sure buddies! But onto NUMBER TWO. Once you added soil and the "PLANT" make sure you emedetly water your "PLANT" but still stick to your schedule, 8 hour watering intervals.

sorry go to beat it for now ill be back on and add more to it in a couple of days. for questions just post them or send me a private message and ill help you and if i dont know the answer I SWEAR TO GOD that i will find the answer for you and give you the link and/or source where i found the answer!! DONT DRINK AND DRIVE/SMOKE AND FLY!!

Couldint read your post till I Quoted this, print way too small! I think your watering too much, roots need air to grow properly! You need to let soil dry out between waterings. Don't let it get too dry and the plant droops, but pretty dry. I water every 3rd day or so. Keep at it and youll find out what your plants like. Keep on growing! :peace:peace man:peace:


lots of watering small amounts keeps the water up high in the soil and the roots actually spin in circles trying to get to it. ITS MUCH better to do 1 soaking every couple days or water from bottom so the roots dont tangle and strangle themselves out. Anyways thats my experience.