Thank you!replant them . and mix the soil with 50/50 with perlite and soil. never have root rot again . not matter how drunk or stoned you are when you water its almost impossible to get root rot. because the soil with breath and water has drainage . also turn your temps up after you transplant them to dry it up quickly.
I was in the exact same boat as you last week. It's been a week since i transplanted to soil and they've doubled in size. I expected at least a week of nothing after cutting off half of the rotted roots but they were pumping not long after hitting the soil. I also looked at the beneficial bacteria method after wasting my time with h202 but it was gonna take too long to arrive.
light leaks don't cause root rot
Thanks, thats encouraging!
Did you remove your plants from their original net pots before transplanting?
How much perlite did use with the soil mix?
Ph at 6.0 or...?
Any other additives that you used with soil?