Easy Ryder T5 and CFL Grow

I am on day 9 and will be starting a grow journal today. I have had a few problems but hopefully everything will turn around. Ill be posting some pics later today as well.

:peace: Pagalicious :peace:
pic 1- my set up T5 2' with 4 bulbs two blue 2 red
pic 2- one of my containers at day 4 or 5 after germ
pic 3- 5 day 8 notice on pic 4 the dying plant that i didnt realize the rock wool was drying up pic 5 is the plant right next to it

i will post more detail of the grow later tonight or tomorrow morning but so far i got 10 fem easy ryder seeds from d-s.com 9 of 10 germ'd and made it to day 7-8. then on day 8 or 9 i didn't add water as i thought the plants were doing fine now one of the plants looks pretty crapy but the other 8 are doing good. my temp is around 77-82 in the box with thoes CFL hitting it but the res temp has been about 69-73. also the lights are on a 20/4 cycle for now. the pH has been around 5.9-6.1 at the most and i have been pH balancing every 24 hrs or so. and im using technaflora recipe for success at 35% and about to bump it to 50% in a day or so here.

More details to come.



So my one plant that dried out has gone to a better place and she will be missed. :cry:

Today i just changed out my nutes and bumped them up to 60%, as all the plants seem to be doing great. I will post some pics in the a.m. but I'm just too tired to do it right now, especially after a long weekend of parting. i have added 2 more CFL both of them are the red spectrum bulbs hopeful that will increase the growth a little.

And so my ladies (hopeful my feminized seeds really are feminized, but with my luck so far we will see) begin day 11!:mrgreen:

:hump: Pagalicious :hump:

P.S. go to https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/339035-my-seedling-has-wilted-please.html to get the full story on my seedling problem
0000 hours ushered in the Beginning of Day 14

I've been a little busy so sorry for not posting in a while (even though I'm all alone in this journal). But to pick up where i left off i bumped the nutes up to 60% and the plants did fine, it was just a 10% increase after all. Then at the end of day 11 or beginning of day 12 I went to check the pH and it was 7.23-7.25 bilaterally (or in both tubs). I have been using city water and just letting it sit for about 36 hrs before using it, so the chlorine will dissipate or whatever it does I'm no chemist. So I let the water sit for my res change, mixed in my nutes, and then pH adjusted to 5.9. As previously stated my pH flux has been from 5.9 - 6.1 not bad, there for this pH flux was very unexpected.

So i have been dealing with that however the next day the pH flux was back to the good 'ol 5.9-6.1 that i have grown to like.


I did have one plant left that wasn't doing to well from the res water level going dangerously low and had dried up but i though it was coming along fine after i gave it water and light. Now with the pH in the 7's it was looking pretty sickly and still is. it turned yellow and is starting to get some of its green back but it is nowhere near the size of the other plants.

We (or should I say I since I'm only taking to myself) will just have to wait and see its fate, as it is in mother-nature's hands.

Here are some Pics form Day 12-13 cant remember but here y'all go. Enjoy! :mrgreen:

P.S. notice the little yellow runt.

:joint: Pagalicious:joint:


One of my plants leaf is developing yellow spots on it I'll post some pics. The one plant i was hoping would make it is just about dead and i will be removing it tonight once my associate sees it. i went away for the weekend and my friend checked the pH for my an the plants were only alone for like 18 hrs. at first i thought maybe the lights burned it a little but it seems to be getting bigger and now I'm thinking maybe it had to do with the nutes.

I'm not sure if it is a def or too little of some nute but if anyone does read this any help would be much appreciated.

