Easy Ryder (AK47 x Lowryder #2) First Grow. CFL. Under floorboard Grow. *Pictures*


Active Member
no kidn, plants are lookn pretty. im on my first grow as well, n i fukd up hard wit miracle grow soil n plant food, having a few problems now but im gonna leave things how they are jus for the learning experience. glad its workn out bro, great idea


Active Member

Day 22 from sprout.

I have changed the lights, I have now put in 2 85w 2700k CFLs.

Starting to see alot of budsites, and they are starting to stink. I was wondering what cheap but effective thing I could do to reduce smell?
Any Ideas???

Heres some pics.
Sorry I was drawn to that one plant because its the first proper 5 finger leaf!!
And im sure the purple underleaf plant has a 7 finger leaf?? Not clear yet but Ill keep the grow updated.




Well-Known Member
you could try a gallon pail of ona gel and see if that does the trick. The stuff is magic in cabinets in lower amounts naturally.


Well-Known Member
when they turn purple it means that they are getting to cold with lights off. i took care of this problem by gettign a small heater with a thermostat on it and set it at low for 70F. and set it close by my baby but not blowing directly on it. hope this helps. they look great +rep


2 x blue 65w CFL
2 x red 65w CFL
2 x daylight 20w CFL
1 x 15w UV strip light
BioBizz Nutes-Grow, Bloom and Root Juice.
1 x greenhouse fan/extractor
1 x carbon filter
1 x normal house fan
1 x homemade reflector
Digital temp
Ph, Soil moisture and light indicator

This is my first grow and I am growing 5 fem Easy Ryder's under CFL's under the floorboards in my room. I have made a good reflector and put reflective foil on the whole grow area and I have the 2 blue 65w CFL's on the plants for the veg stage. Then ill move onto the red CFL's im still getting stuff for the grow as im short on money and im getting stuff as it comes. If you have any Tips I'll be grateful as I said im a first time grower. I also want to know what you think of my setup. BTW they are about 3 days from first sprouting.
Paranoid much? I hope that's not a rental.
man this was on its way for being one of the sweetest stealth grows ive seen to date. awesome idea, hope all turned out okay for you. stay green my friends