Easy Question.


Well-Known Member
are percs just oxycodone + tylonel ?

I keep hearing percs are better .
but I've always vouched for OC's .

opinions ?


Active Member
yea pills are lame, except when you shatter your elbow in 3 places and need surgery like I just did... but yes your right, perc's just have tylenol added but OC is also time released so I think it just works for longer than perc. Also if your fucking around with this shit this link may be helpful to you in the near future.... http://www.opiateaddictionhelp.com/


Well-Known Member
its ok .
I got my shit on lock lol .

I used to love them .
so I only use them when I need to .

as far as the "dont do pills simple" comment .
join the real world my friend , people do . no need to judge .

I was just asking because I got them (got my wisdoms out) .
but I would perfer pure oxy's instead of percs .

just making sure I have my stuff correct .

thanks boys (or girls) + rep .

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Yea i went on my opiate run a couple years back. I managed to get off them. I never get hard core addicted to things like some people do. Be careful tho, they feel toooo good ;)


Well-Known Member
as far as the "dont do pills simple" comment .
join the real world my friend , people do . no need to judge
People in america maybe, here its very rare, the lady next door was on pills when I was in highschool, she's a walking corpse now.


watch requiem for a dream, i just finished it. it teaches a very valuable lesson about certain drugs which carry inevitable addiction to anyone who use them. a movie i think everyone should see.


Well-Known Member
If you let the addiction dictate you, then yes we can all be walking dead fiends... but let my mind pass from the Halloween spirit :lol:

Oxy's are much better then percocet's as they don't carry other active fillers that might be damaging to the heart in larger amounts.


Well-Known Member
I have been addicted to mandrax and crack in my life. It has nothing to do with letting anything happen. It is virtualy out of your control right after trying it the first time, if you have the predisposition.
It has nothing to do with willpower or any of that crap, to illustrate, I went cold turkey when the time arrived (way too late). Then it took a good couple of years before my thinking and reward system approached anything like normal.
Opiates are even more tricky in that it isn't about takeing it once neccesarily, some of them only becomes addictive if used within a certain time threshold... I.e. do it, feel great, wears off, feel shit, do it again, feel great, and now your brain has learned a new shortcut to "feel good" which no amount of debate can undo.

Any of you guys should by now know that I am passionate about drugs, but I am just as passionatly opposed to addictive substances which leaves you out of the control room.


Well-Known Member
her son caleb (a very good friend of mine) was selling his xbox 360 she was like yeah I got somebody right now. Caleb knowing about his moms habits still trusted her since he was her son. She came back high as fuck and prolly had a pocket full of dope. She said she got robbed. Imagine how Caleb feels his own damn mother! She also has her daughter shooting up with her now. She also goes around the neighborhood begging for money making exuses about taking her kids to the doctor, or something about her car. Dumb bitch.


Well-Known Member
i agree totally ANC. i was addicted to pills for years and it seemed cool and fun at first and then u realize ur wasting ur life sitting around. i am off of them now and have never been happier in
my life thanks to psychedlics and meditation. ++rep ANC and thanks to all my friends on RIU that help me get through the day with their advice and wisdom.


Well-Known Member
I have been addicted to mandrax and crack in my life. It has nothing to do with letting anything happen. It is virtualy out of your control right after trying it the first time, if you have the predisposition.
It has nothing to do with willpower or any of that crap, to illustrate, I went cold turkey when the time arrived (way too late). Then it took a good couple of years before my thinking and reward system approached anything like normal.
Opiates are even more tricky in that it isn't about takeing it once neccesarily, some of them only becomes addictive if used within a certain time threshold... I.e. do it, feel great, wears off, feel shit, do it again, feel great, and now your brain has learned a new shortcut to "feel good" which no amount of debate can undo.

Any of you guys should by now know that I am passionate about drugs, but I am just as passionatly opposed to addictive substances which leaves you out of the control room.
:clap:GREAT POST:clap: So much truth there brother! Especially the part about no debate can undo, you know damn well when you wake up broke and sober your gonna regret it, but it just dont matter. Its a lifetime thing once you start doing pills. I quite but I know in the back of my head I know ill get another 30 one day. It sucks but its the truth. I never let myself get bad on them, but its just the fact its always in the back of my head its rediculous.:wall:

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I have been addicted to mandrax and crack in my life. It has nothing to do with letting anything happen. It is virtualy out of your control right after trying it the first time, if you have the predisposition.
It has nothing to do with willpower or any of that crap, to illustrate, I went cold turkey when the time arrived (way too late). Then it took a good couple of years before my thinking and reward system approached anything like normal.
Opiates are even more tricky in that it isn't about takeing it once neccesarily, some of them only becomes addictive if used within a certain time threshold... I.e. do it, feel great, wears off, feel shit, do it again, feel great, and now your brain has learned a new shortcut to "feel good" which no amount of debate can undo.

Any of you guys should by now know that I am passionate about drugs, but I am just as passionatly opposed to addictive substances which leaves you out of the control room.
Personally i have to disagree. Ive been faced with many drugs coke, oxys, H. Done them, and had the "will power" to keep my self away. If you can control your temptations, you can control drugs. I feel im lucky i have that power.


Well-Known Member
I will just classify you as in the lucky group with no predisposition. remember even heroin only catches like 25% of users into addiction. 1 in 4 is wose odds than I like when i'm loseing.


Well-Known Member
I have been addicted to mandrax and crack in my life. It has nothing to do with letting anything happen. It is virtualy out of your control right after trying it the first time, if you have the predisposition.
It has nothing to do with willpower or any of that crap, to illustrate, I went cold turkey when the time arrived (way too late). Then it took a good couple of years before my thinking and reward system approached anything like normal.
Opiates are even more tricky in that it isn't about takeing it once neccesarily, some of them only becomes addictive if used within a certain time threshold... I.e. do it, feel great, wears off, feel shit, do it again, feel great, and now your brain has learned a new shortcut to "feel good" which no amount of debate can undo.

Any of you guys should by now know that I am passionate about drugs, but I am just as passionatly opposed to addictive substances which leaves you out of the control room.
I felt the words and concepts deeply! But at the same moment have to disagree, just from personal experience... I went on a pretty nasty binge on oxycontins for a week straight... snorted up to 160mg's worth of oxy on the 7th day... and wham the next week didn't care for it all... like it was a brief moment in history that'll I'll never repeat... in many ways it is pre-disposed!