Easy Germination System


Well-Known Member
I found this a few weeks ago but I used it for the first time a few days ago to germinate 4 seeds.

Go to Walmart and get a tortilla warmer like this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AF55MXK they are only like 3$ at walmart though.
Take a few paper towels and wet them as normal place some at the bottom.
Place your seeds on top of the paper towels.
Then place the last paper towel on top of them.
Close tortilla warmer and put in grow room with lights on.

Seeds will pop within a few days.

Hope this helps!
So you microwave this thing first, how long does it stay warm ....? how long in the microwave...?
All i do is put the seeds in wet paper towels, then into a plastic bag and into a small cardboard box, i don't seal the plastic bag, i close the box on the bag so the towel can breath a little bit. Then it goes on the coldest part of my the hot water tank so it doesn't cook the seeds. My last batch of seeds all popped under 24 hours, with one popping 12 hours into it.

I don't get spending $14 on such an easy task but if you've got money to waste, by all means.
Its only around 3$ that was just a link to an example of what to get, they have them at Walmart for a lot cheaper.