easy dyi carbon filter


Can someone tell me how to make a carbon filter.
i have activated carbon already (pellet form)
Wat else so u need and how do i put together?
Thanks for reading


Active Member
Go to hardware store and get ducting reducer, ducting end cap, small roll of wire fence w/ little square holes and some panty hose. Depending on the size of your fan this is how to do it. I will use 6" fan for example. The reducer should go from 8" to 6". First roll the wire in a tube like shape. The length can vary but mine in about 1' 1/2 long. One tube needs to fit the inside 6" and one for the outside 8". Fit the 6" tube to the inside of the reducer and fit panty hose over it. Then put 8" tube or the outer part of the reduce(I used self tapping screws w/ washers to attach wire tubes). Then stretch another leg of panty hose over the outer 8" tube. Next fill the carbon in around the outside of the inner 6" tube. Place the end cap on the bottom and your done. I like to put my filter to where the air blows through it rather than gets sucked through. This way you don't get carbon going through your fan.


Well-Known Member
by the look of it,with the time its gonna take to make it,its gonna work out better to buy 1 LOL
its actually quite easy and cheep. and the materials are at common stores nationwide. I used the same concept, was fast, easy, and saved a lot of money. you do realize they are only good for about a year depending on usage. that's why I like the diy carbon filter, it saves money


Active Member
IMO, you will be further ahead buying a good filter. I have tried the DIY filter set-up, but it was not efficient. The carbon was very messy and blew all over the place. Also, it didn't filter the air very well at all. With a factory assembled unit, you get high quality grade carbon that is highly compressed via a vibration table.
Currently I am running a 6" blower with a 66 CanFilter w/ a pre-filter. No mess, no fears of anyone smelling my garden, and peace of mind.
Hopes this helps a little bud.


Active Member
that's the one. im going to make another one and try half the length. it works 100% IMO. as long as you have an airtight box.

Observe & Report

Well-Known Member
I would think the palm sander that lots of diy'ers already have in their garage would serve as a vibration table if you're making just one filter.