Well... lightning took out my power while I was tryin' to post about how lighting hit right by me (100 ft away) when I went out to check on my babes today...hopefully the power stays.
Anyway... Everything looks pretty good still, though there is an increasing amount of pest damage, before it was pretty much superficial, but now I'm ready to take some action. I have some organicide that I'd used on some veggies and herbs in my garden, and they all ended up being protected and tasting good, so I'll assume/hope it does the same for me ganja.
Here's some picTARRs.
Pic 1,2,3 - Yummytastic nature. Blackberries. A few handfuls of these really give you a good boost while performing guerilla activities.
Pic 4,5,6,7 - For those allergic to Poison Ivy, Oak, Sumac. This is called Jewelweed. It's succulent insides are a natural remedy for all of the above Poisons. Just squeeze out the juices, that are mostly located in the stems, most potent towards the roots. I only have experience with Ivy, but I'm told and have checked that it is the same for all. It takes Poison about 10 minutes to absorb into your skin, if you get Jewelweed on in that time, you WILL NOT get any reaction. If you get it on any time thereafter, the poison will not spread, the oil is deactivated, and the reaction will be significantly less. And an especially great thing is that Jewelweed often grows right around where Poison grows. NOTE: I do not know if this applies to those with Severe allergies to Posions, so those peoples should continue to avoid the plant with as much care as possible.
Pic 8,9 - Cab Plant #3.
Pic 10,11 - Plant #1
Pic 12,13 - Plant #2
Pic 14,15 - Plant #3
Pic 16,17,18,19 - Plant #4