East Coast Growing


Well-Known Member
I know most of you guys on here are from Hawaii or the West Coast growing 100 ft. pine, but is there anyone that grows on the east coast. Can you share some pointers?



Active Member
hey man where on the east coast we talkin? Not specific state but are we talkin below or above Maryland? Just curious because the summers differ quite a bit. Biggest suggestion i can give you either way is to carry in your soil or plant in a 5 gallon bucket and bury it if neccesary just be sure to poke holes in the bottom and set it on stones or something so the water is free to drip out


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of east coasters on this forum just have to look around. There is also a PA growers thread and some completed threads from last year that you can look at. Umm but as in anything specific you gotta give us some more detail. U growing in a pot, in the ground, in your yard, in a forest, etc??


Active Member
I'm above Maryland near Nyc and PA

hey man where on the east coast we talkin? Not specific state but are we talkin below or above Maryland? Just curious because the summers differ quite a bit. Biggest suggestion i can give you either way is to carry in your soil or plant in a 5 gallon bucket and bury it if neccesary just be sure to poke holes in the bottom and set it on stones or something so the water is free to drip out


Well-Known Member
hey man where on the east coast we talkin? Not specific state but are we talkin below or above Maryland? Just curious because the summers differ quite a bit. Biggest suggestion i can give you either way is to carry in your soil or plant in a 5 gallon bucket and bury it if neccesary just be sure to poke holes in the bottom and set it on stones or something so the water is free to drip out

let me get this right, Poke holes in the bottom of the 5 gal bucket and bury underground on stones? Stones meaning just normal ordinary stones? Like small rocks?

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Cut up Irish spring bars of soap and scatter moth balls around your grow to keep out animals. Use copper tape or sluggo for slugs. Neem oil is a commonly used organic insecticide but don't use any more than a few weeks into budding, and thats only if you HAVE to. On my 3rd outdoor grow east coast style but im new england so i got a shorter season than you but not by too much. Post any other questions you have


Well-Known Member
what should i use to keep out the bugs, and worms? I've read that something called BP is good. I also hear of this stuff called Spinosad. Is Spinosad any good?

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
things you'll need if outdoor growing in new england....

3 gallon buckets to use for growing containers(1 plant per bucket)
A good soil(Not Miracle Grow either that shit sucks!)(Go Online and order some FoxFarm OceanForest)
Nutrients/Plant Food
River Rocks/Stone for drainage(put layer on bottom of dug out hole or at bottom of inside bucket before filling with soil)
And some good ass seeds!

Also consider....

Chicken Wire or Garden Fencing(To keep out unwanted animals)
Fencing Posts
Silk Screen(To keep birds out)
Copper to combat slugs

If planting in a bed....

Use some sort of container/box structure surrounded by 4x4 planks of wood. raise the walls high up... fill with soil and topsoil(can get expensive buying this much good soil) and plant your sprouts.


Active Member
Why are you knocking mircle grow? Most of the time its growers error Mircle grow is not the best soil but it can grow good bud

things you'll need if outdoor growing in new england....

3 gallon buckets to use for growing containers(1 plant per bucket)
A good soil(Not Miracle Grow either that shit sucks!)(Go Online and order some FoxFarm OceanForest)
Nutrients/Plant Food
River Rocks/Stone for drainage(put layer on bottom of dug out hole or at bottom of inside bucket before filling with soil)
And some good ass seeds!

Also consider....

Chicken Wire or Garden Fencing(To keep out unwanted animals)
Fencing Posts
Silk Screen(To keep birds out)
Copper to combat slugs

If planting in a bed....

Use some sort of container/box structure surrounded by 4x4 planks of wood. raise the walls high up... fill with soil and topsoil(can get expensive buying this much good soil) and plant your sprouts.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
sorry i shouldve wrote IMO... I've done my share of soil grows with MG i just think it lacks a lot compared to other soil mixes on the market.

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
not impossible to use but if you want the best results for your plants you cannot use an only ADEQUATE soil....

anyways i believe a true gardener mixes their own soil as to produce exactly the mix they're looking for


Well-Known Member
id say mg is for advacned grower that knows what the hell is going on. it can produce good plants but you gotta have a clue


Well-Known Member
thank you all for your support and help.:clap:

Im kinda scared to transfer them from the bucket to the ground. Has anyone ever transferred after they started growing.