Easiest way to use RCS-4?


Well-Known Member
I just got a few grams of this and tried vaping it on a glass knife but it just turned into a thick puddle; vaping it on foil with an inverted bong bowl did the same. I ended up mixing in ground up weed with the puddle, heating it a bit and then mixing it together. Is it possible to just freebase this stuff?


Well-Known Member
Hate to bump my own thread, but still searching for the optimal way to use this stuff. I have 3g's to last me the 3 weeks till harvest, but unless one builds a tolerance incredibly fast to this stuff, I gotta be doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Get some legal herbs like Mullien and either dissolve and spray evenly throughout or carefully sandwich a small dose of powder between some plant matter. An oil burner will probably work well too. Try and find some better alternatives during the three weeks, don't view these things as a replacement if you value your health.


Well-Known Member
Go by sum weed instead of that I suppose..its a thc analog rite? Why drink lemon extract to get drunk?


Well-Known Member
Get some legal herbs like Mullien and either dissolve and spray evenly throughout or carefully sandwich a small dose of powder between some plant matter. An oil burner will probably work well too. Try and find some better alternatives during the three weeks, don't view these things as a replacement if you value your health.
I appreciate the suggestion; I'm having problems keeping it in solution now but at least I know I'm doing it right. Why is this anymore a health risk than other less than herbal substance I've ingested/smoked in the past? This is my first experience with RC's and the source has impeccable reviews for purity.


Well-Known Member
What are you dissolving in? Acetone is one of the best choices, maybe add a few drops of an alcohol to the sloution if you are using water. Also dont forget to add heat since heat increases solubility.

I am talking about all synthetic cannabinoids when I say don't use them as a replacement, not just one specific one. Obviously some seem to be safer than others, but they are still too new to be putting your health at risk by making habitual use of them. I suggest finding the entheogen thread on one of the top pages of this section for lots of safe alternatives to help pass the time. Some are very nice, though it is hard to get a nice cannabis mimic.


Well-Known Member
I'm using acetone and it's fine until I halt agitation, at which point a good amount seems to fall out. Sincere thanks for the health disclaimer, I assumed those unknown risks when I decided to click "buy" and was temporarily worried you knew of a specific threat from this compound. I've ingested methylated anabolics, dunno that I can do my body more harm than that at this point~

I actually enjoy the high from this, though it indeed feels one dimensional when compared to cannabis. However, the effects are not long lasting at all, albeit very intense for that short window. Overall, I agree with Rory "Why drink lemon extract to get drunk?" and in 17 days I won't have to. I will, however, order a much stronger and more hallucinogenic RC to perform more research.


Well-Known Member
Maybe add some more acetone then if it all isn't dissolving. These things haven't been around long enough to really know which ones are safer than others, but after hearing about all of the heart, liver, and kidney failures it is enough for me to not want to touch it anymore, especially viewing them as a replacement for something you consume habitually.
Be careful with tolerance too. I was smoking so much of the stuff that when I got some real buds they really wouldn't do much at all for me. Plus smoking came with some intense anxiety which I never experienced before these synthetics. It is pretty much gone now, but has taken months to go away. I still have a few grams of jwh-018 stashed that I doubt I will ever go back to.

What's wrong with drinking some extract? Lol. I would probably rather take down some shots of vanilla extract than some Caldwells.