easiest way to make bomb hash =)


Well-Known Member
things u will need...
-a mason jar
-a glass cooking pan
-a coffee filter (not the paper kind)
-92% iso alcohol
-razor blades and scraper (scraper will hlp alot alot cost 2 bucks)
-a window fan and any fan to blow on the juice.

step 1. fill mason jar with trim. then fill it with alcohol
step 2. shake the shit out of it for 2-3 minutes
step 3. strain as much alcohol as you can through the cofee filter into the glass cooking pan (put the cooking pan where u plan on drying it out preferably by a window.
step 4. put window fan in and the other fan blowing over cooking pan and out the window.
step 5. wait 2-3 days for it to completly evaporate and dry out
step 6. scrape that shit pack that shit smoke that shit.


God Dam

interesting. i have not made hash.
just read a thread about a guy who bought a washing maching and used special bags and ice and water. can you add crushed ice to your method?
just and idea.
hope to try this some day.


Active Member
I know a guy that does something similar.....except using ethyl alcohol and a strainer.....and ending up with hash oil instead of hash.... Being a smoker and a stoner, I don't want flammable vapors floating around....so I'll offer an alternative for us cowards....lol It's definitely more labor intensive so the posted way is easier......but I'd be the moron that spaced out the alcohol and started a fire......so just a safer option, imo.......

I use two 1 gallon glass jars, one with a spigot on the side. I loosely layer crushed ice and trim about 2/3rds of the non spigot jar, then add water to about 7/8ths full.....I work it with the old beater style mixer until I get everything moving in the jar and let it run for a few minutes..... Then I pour it through a colander(noodle strainer), with fairly small holes, into the jar with the spigot. Rinse the mash in the colander until it runs clear or the jar is full, then toss the mash. I prop the jar up on the spigot side and wait a while.....the kief settles on the bottom and mostly away from the spigot. I then slowly drain the jar using the spigot and tilting very gently to the spigot side. When I can't drain anymore I swirl the remainder and quickly pour it into a paper coffee filter.......the kief will clog the filter quickly, so after waiting a while again, I have to carefully lift the edges and bring them all together so I can squeeze out the remaining liquid......I spread the coffee filter on a saucer that's the perfect size and wait about 5 minutes. While the filter is still moist, I use my finger to rub the kief off the filter onto the saucer. When I have all I can get, I start pressing it together and squeezing all the water I can get out. I use a paper towel a few times, but stop when the stuff starts to stick to it. I keep rolling, squeezing, pressing until most of the water is gone, then flatten it into a patty, let it sit a while, and repeat until I'm sure it's dry enough to not get moldy when I leave it......at which point I roll it into a ball and leave it. You can smoke it then although it's wet and will take more flame....or let it sit and dry fully.....
If I use fresh trim....the balls of hash stay together and somewhat pliable.....if I use dry trim, when it fully dries it will break apart into kief when squeezed..... From each batch, I usually get about a 2.5-3 gram ball that will become 2-1 grams balls when fully dried.
One day I'll quit being so cheap and get the bubble bags, but this works pretty good and costs next to nothing since I have the ice crusher in my fridge.
Silk....I apologize if you're offended...didn't mean to hijack your thread


Well-Known Member
its wat ev.. i kno there are many ways i just think this is the easiest way and most sucessfull i have done.. it taste better then the bud it came from. im not complaining. i think the key is waitin for it to dry out