Easiest Hydro For Noobs?

You certainly have to have seen the thread?

The miniature system uses an inline.
nah but when I move that's gonna be a long time but im fine for now im going to do something like that but I would prob use 3inch piping for return to the res just because I would be doing a 12 site one. but I want something to make sure all the sites get even pressure.
was asking about how u did the manifold. I found it out, also how is the pressure to all sites is it equal?
By giving the water enough of a larger diameter piping (3/4")to reach each bucket and by then reducing that diameter to a smaller size(1/2") at equal spots on the manifold that are equal lengths too. Water under pressure will always take the path of least resistance. So if you just always keep that in mind when you're putting it together, it makes it a lot easier.
Having personally run DWC, RDWC, Flood and Drain, DTW, Aeroponics, and now currently using a Waterfarm, for single site single plant, Waterfarm for the win, for multi plant SOG style DTW or Flood and Drain would be my recommendation. If I had a nice cold basement floor though, I'd probably run nothing but DWC/RDWC. My $.02
Maybe depending on the environment you might need a chiller maybe not some places in winter ;) power savings i guess
I would think hempys are the easiest form of hydroponics
Check them out, no pump required!

you could use coco or perlite or both as your medium. With coco, there are steps to preparing it though.
Waterfarm (or a home made drip ring system) with hydroton is probably gonna be your easiest method to grow 1 singular plant. It you want the same simplicity but a larger scale to grow multiple plants, go with F&D. I have a F&D build that is proven and cost less than $50. Both work on waterfall dynamics so theres no need for a hot, noisy bubbler.