Easier DIY carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Those of you who know me, know I'm a penny pincher (not by choice I'm f'in BROKE!). Here's a $12 DIY carbon filter. It's for a 10 inch fan.
10 inch fan (already had it)
10 inch duct
2 grill tops
Honeywell carbon filter
Duct tape (already had it)

Box cutter
*** Pic 2 & 3 are backwards
Step 1.JPGStep 2.JPGStep 3.JPGStep 4.JPGFinished Product.JPG



Well-Known Member
How's it working for ya?
Working great man! It no longer smells like fruit fuel outside lol. It lessened the amount of air the fan could push through and my temps went up about 3F until I made some minor adjustments. I have a 2 board shelf above my light and just had to open them up in the middle so their air had more routes to get to the exhaust.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Wheres the actual carbon as a carbon filter has the carbon pieces inside and then the pre filter your showing on the outside to help eliminate dust from filling the carbon chamber?


Well-Known Member
looks like he used carbon filter sheets, no charcoal pellets. i DIY built a 6" inlet x 8"W x24"L with 125oz of premium activated charcoal w440cfm fan. this thing is a freaking monster. 110.00 cost (not including fan).

op, what size grow room are you running? and you say your running a 10" fan? is that a booster fan or a centrifugal fan? and whats the cfm rating?


Well-Known Member
Yea guys, I used carbon sheets. Did them 3 layers thick (two would have been enough and helped me keep the airflow a little higher). Using http://www.homedepot.com/p/t/202182997?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&keyword=fan+black&storeId=10051&N=5yc1v&R=202182997#.UWBMJjfheSo . Think it's 195 cfm's if I remember correctly. My grow area is a 5.5x2x9 closet. I went ultra cheap with my grow set up (first timer and just wanted to see if it was even worth my time trying), but will be improving the quality of my products once I get my 10x4x7 tent for next run (it's looking to be more than worth my time!). I've also got a 10 in. fan pushing air in, an 8in fan for my cool tube, and an oscillating, so there is plenty of air movement going on.

A 440 cfm fan with filter!! Damn that is an f'in beast. That's a bit pricey for my liking (broke ass until I don't have to buy bags all the time lol), but if I had a much bigger area that would be awesome!


Active Member
do you think addin a pipe about a foot long and placing that on the end would allow the air to run smoother through the filter


Well-Known Member
Not sure. Might be worth a try. I'm trashing my whole set-up after this run so I doubt I will try it. Need something a little bigger and more controllable (Big ass tent!)