

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I was at an alumi event and met up with a buddy of mine from cali who always has great bud. He has some northern outdoor, first melt hash, and some honey dipped bud which all kicked ass but nothing like this little green vial of stuff he called earwax, he said he picked it up from a dispensary in santa monica. Some sort of hash derivitive.

I just wanted to know if anyone else has heard about it and could offer some insight into its method of manufacture. Even compared to good has this stuff was wicked.


Well-Known Member
So the what Iv been able to surmise is that earwax is a double refined hash oil made with alcohol then benzine (petrolium ether) which after all the solvent is removed becomes a 80%+ product. It is then whipped with the head of a screw giving it its smooth apperence and gooey consistency.


Ear wax looks like this, and this, and this.

And please remember to register to vote for the November election in California to regulate, tax, and control cannabis in 2010. The splintering of opinions among the Big Dogs of the cannabis movement, which was happening before the Prop 19 initiative hit the ballot, has subsided and now we are all rallying together to remind people to register to vote, and then vote by mail.

When Prop 19 passes, we can all safely learn what ear wax is and how it might affect us in an environment surrounded by cannabis professionals who understand how to help the newly initiated ease into concentrates and edibles to ensure a positive experience.
For now, grab your medical marijuana card and head to San Francisco or Oakland. You are bound to find ear wax at the best cannabis dispensaries. Happy hunting.

Ty Palmer :: Founder :: GreenHitShirts.com


Well-Known Member
. I just wanted to know if anyone else has heard about it and could offer some insight into its method of manufacture. Even compared to good has this stuff was wicked.
It's called Budder around here, the process to make it is a secret.


Well-Known Member
everyone tries to hord the good shit like how to budderrrr up your bho its really not hard to do just takes a little practice