Earthworm Castings

How does one go about using earthworm castings. I love the whole organic thing, but I'm not sure If you use it like you would use fert, or you just mix it in soil before planting. If so, how much should I use per gallon of soil.
How does one go about using earthworm castings. I love the whole organic thing, but I'm not sure If you use it like you would use fert, or you just mix it in soil before planting. If so, how much should I use per gallon of soil.

Do a search in the Organics sub-forum using those same 2 words and enjoy several hours of reading.

Earthworm castings (Worm Crap) has a very good texture, as well as a relatively low level of several nutrients. It also has a few other "beneficial things" in it.

Therefore, it makes a wonderful "Soil Ammendment" - as a "Fertilizer", not so much! I'm not counting it out as a fertilizer, it's just not that concentrated!

I've seen recipes that call for 10-25% worm castings - even more!
My favorite mix is as follows:

50% organic compost (my own)
25% worm castings (from the bottom of the compost pile)
15% sand
10% perlite

It cant burn your plants, has great airation and moisture holding abilities, as well as perfect drainage, and it wont compact so roots can freely explore.

Worm castings alone can clump up and choke roots, hense adding the sand and perlite. Either way, its good stuff. You can also make some great tea from high worm castings compost.
i like to use a 4 part equal mix

1 part worm castings
1 part rich compost
1 part perlite
1 part vermiculite

every few weeks top off with more castings and compost.

i water with a compost tea mix every few weeks of fish and worm castings. and hopefully soon will be adding a small amount of high N bat guano.

