EarthGro Potting Soil from Home Depot

Bro Montana

So here is my final word on EarthGro potting soil from Home Depot: Do not buy it. 100% bad for starting plants. It is full of sticks and roots (i mean really full, like thats all it is mostly) and your plants will not be able to grow up or down through it.
I have used EarthGro from seed to harvest since I started growing. I have never had any problems and as far as sticks and roots, my bags have always been very fine soil, never stocks or bark like other brands. Now I am mixing it 1 part earthgro 1 part coco coir and 1 part fox farm ocean forest but for the first 2 cycles I used straight earthgro and my plants grew big and beautiful..

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member

oKAY i WAS GOGGLING Earthgro, and this thread popped up.

Me being a new grower this soil, just was not working.So if you see this, try something else.


Well-Known Member
I just started using this soil about a week ago.. the plant has sprung out nicely.. i added a good amount of perlite however because the soil was kind of mud-like..


Well-Known Member
here is an update on this soil: something is not working and i think it is the soil. what i think the problem is, there are a lot of little sticks and root like things in the soil, when i say a lot i mean a Lot, and i think the plant cant grow through them.

i planted one germinated seed, albeit an old seed, on halloween. by yesterday (6 days later) it still hadnt come up out of the soil, so i did some exploratory (knowing this would kill a new plant but i had to see what was going on) and i found in the soil what looked like the beginning of a plant, two leaves kinda folded together and curled in. so it seemed like it started to grow but couldnt push up through the sticks.

so now im off to find something new or something to mix this stuff with. i could be wrong in my scientific method here (or stonerific method) but i think the soil is stopping the plants from growing, from having too many sticks and such.
although i dont know how long it normally takes a seed to come up from the soil, most journals i read people say 2 or 3 days. so that is what i have been kinda going by.
Did you germ the seed in a paper towel or try direct in the soil?
I did mine straight in soil, but got entirely lucky since I just got pissed one night and tossed them in the container, shook it and mixed some bagseed in with the soil and watered.
If you did try straight from soil, maybe you planted them too deep....... shouldn't be more than 3/8 of an inch, from what I read.