Earthbox growers????


Well-Known Member
Hello My Fellow Growers!!!!

Im by no means a veteran grower, but i've had my share of grows over the last few years. A few of my grows can be found in my journals here on this site.
I have grown SOG, LST, Bushes, and outdoor plants that have ended the size of a small sedan vehicle...:lol:

I have stayed indoors, in a bucket of dirt thru out all of these grows, and Have still found that the time it takes for soil grows is enough to make me go...:wall:!!!

Browsing thru some old HT magazines I found an article on something called an "EARTHBOX". A wick system of growing, which in my opinion would be a form of hydroponics.

Has anyone here ever used these earthboxes, and if so can anyone give any insight on how well they work, or how hard they are to build?

I would also like to give some shout outs to some old friends here at RIU, So take a toke SOMEBEECH, Earl, Boneman, DubB83,shnkrmn, Abnjm,Panhead, Olman, and my boy Cruzer whereever you guys are, puff it and pass it around :leaf:

Thanks Group,


I have 5 Earthboxes that I have used for years to grow tomatoes, peppers etc with great success. They have a water reservoir in the bottom, the dirt sits above that. They have a pipe you use to add water. The soil wicks the water from the bottom to the plant roots. The plants never get over watered, as the roots control absorption. it works great for veggies, never tried it for weed.
They aren't cheap, but do a search and you will find a lot of DIY ideas. Also search on Earthbucket, which is same theory, using a 5 gal bucket. I have made several of these.
I only grow weed indoors, Earthboxes require an overflow for the water, so you don't over fill it. YOu would have to put something under it catch run off when using in the house.
Hopes this helps.