Earth juice

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
picked up some earth juice catalyst to go along with my tiger bloom as a bud additive. the tiger bloom in chemicals unfortunately. i would love to go all organic for the seedling that i just started. i have gerenal organics biothrive. i have herd that general organics is not completely organic. would i be best going with earth juice grow and bloom along with the catalyst for an all organic grow? i will also be using Oregonism xl for mycorrhizae, mixed in the soil and also in the water. also will be using molasses toward the end aswell
i have heard that GO is not completly organic as well. I also heard that earth juice is one of the most organic liquid nutrients on the market. I use earth juice and i like it alot. Dont feed too heavy near the end or you will have to flush very well.
i have heard that GO is not completly organic as well. I also heard that earth juice is one of the most organic liquid nutrients on the market. I use earth juice and i like it alot. Dont feed too heavy near the end or you will have to flush very well.
everyone that uses it seems to like it. that is good to know i like to feed heavy. atleast i did last grow with only using tiger bloom. i am trying earth juice because i have herd the exact same thing haha
The GO seems better than the Tiger Bloom. The whole Earth Juice Line is fine, though, you can get very good results with it if you're growing in a good mix.
I think GO biothrive would only not be considered organic because of the minerals they add, specifically molybdenum (wiki this for some interesting reading & it's relation to nitrogen fixing bacteria) otherwise its mostly alfalfa, soybean i think and some humic acid / glacial rock dust thrown in for good measure. Makes a great "tea" and i throw in a scoop of EWC. Earth Juice makes great tea also, i always bubble these type of ferts with EWC & molasses. EJ is guano based the GO is plant (alfalfa) based.

I like to switch to EJ sometimes the last few feedings, especially if they already have plenty of nitrogen, since the EJ bloom has none, the guanos seem to "sweeten" up the flavor a bit, who'da thought, sweet shit!
Quick rundown of GO vs EJ. I have used both.

GO has a few different marine based products in it, which account for the bursts of growth you see between each feeding. My GO plants grew tall however had large spacing in between the nodes compared to my EJ plants. The end product wasn't that different between the two in the end, but the EJ plants definitely had a slightly better taste and a plant that finished a little heavier / healthier.

Also, and this isn't a complete dis on all marine products, they do provide awesome growth and nutrition and I use them early in flower, but I use them sparingly due to metal counts and I can taste the fishy background flavors come harvest if overfertilized... which seems counter intuitive I'm not going to go there right now I don't know why this is happens completely...

I wouldn't discourage anyone to stop growing with either of these products, but for my money the EJ Grow / Bloom with a little molasses or catalyst on the side can do everything the 7 or 8 bottles can in the GO line up, and maybe even a little more. I am running 10 + strains right now, and the grow / bloom combo is getting me through without deficiencies, no flushing or anything required. Oh I must add I love fulvic / humic acid, I use ful-power because of the cold microbial processing which is the best way to get the fulvic acid. EJ has been trusted for 20 + years by gardeners everywhere... they use really high quality ingredients and are known to have the highest amounts of insoluble organics (grow and bloom tend to be muddy on the inside of the bottle), which aid in a quality microherd.. Feed the soil my friend.
but for my money the EJ Grow / Bloom with a little molasses or catalyst on the side can do everything the 7 or 8 bottles can in the GO line up, and maybe even a little more.

Thx 4 that.

I was deciding between the two. Couldn't find EJ locally, was going to use GO, then found EJ at a reasonable price on Amazon. It's Prime so free shipping :)
Thx 4 that.

I was deciding between the two. Couldn't find EJ locally, was going to use GO, then found EJ at a reasonable price on Amazon. It's Prime so free shipping :)

Amazons a beast when it comes to nute prices, I got EJ GROW for 4.99 listed on Mary Jane's Reviews online but the bloom was like triple the price, so i cant say its the best place to get the entire line, but at least they offer it.
A GH rep out of Denver told me that the GO contains synth micro and chelating agents. Its annoying they called it GO when its not 100% organic. It is vegan tho and that is mostly how they market it. They just slap organic on there because it is a catch-phrase now. He said they couldn't get it to meet their 'high standards' for growth vigor without throwing the organic baby out with the bathwater. That said it grows great meds still.

If you dig a bit on RIU you can find lots of awesome 'feed chart' type recommendations for growing with the EJ line.