Earth Juice

I've tried to bubble Earth Juice twice now and it just settles to the bottom of the bucket after a couple hours.I tried letting the tap water sit for a day and a half before adding but same thing.Maybe someone can give me a little help here not sure what going on.I really need to get this to my plants not sure what to do.I am a noob and feel like I'm screwing other shit up and this is not helping:wall::wall: Thanks


Put the bubblers in the bucket when you put the tap water in, then next day add micblast first catalyst then grow let it bubble for a day.
How strong is your bubbling action?


Well-Known Member

Also, search Earth Juice in the organics section and there is a ton of info on mixing, using and amounts. The 3LB (3 Little Birds), thread is a gold mine AFA EJ.

Thanks for the replies I will try the bubbling tap water overnight.I did look around on other threads but could not find anyone with this problem.I might have overlooked something though.My pump is rated for up to 40 gallons and I'm using one of the 3 inch stones.