earth juice


hi everyone, this is my first post, waited till i had a good question. this is my first seriouse grow and im going to use earth juice bloom but have a question on bubbling it.
i am growing in mg potting soil because its all that is avalable to me at this point, iv read to bubble earth juice for 24 to 48 hours but the directions say to use it all at the time of mixing. my tap water ph is high 7s and iv used it to bring up acidic nutes like rabbit poop in the past with no prob, should i just mix and use or will bubbling fortafy good bacteria?


Well-Known Member
Use all what at the time of mixing? Sorta lost me here.

You will also need some catalyst. That's what makes it go and wakes up all the microbes and BB. Molasses will also work and I alternate it with the catalyst.

Using EJ without bubbling it is kind of a waste. It will work, but not nearly as well.



hey wetdog, thanks for the reply. i'll get the molasses for now till i can get the catalyst(gotta order it). what i was refering to was the ej said not to store the portion you mixed for that feeding.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it won't store.

Easiest way is fill a 5 gallon bucket or 2 and use this to water your plants, so you see how much you use. I nute like I water, till I get decent runoff.

Then, make up the same amount of EJ, no waste.



Well-Known Member
24 hrs minimum, up to 4 days. I add some more molasses after the 3rd day.

Sometimes I can't nute when I plan on it.



thanks for the info wetdog, my first grow was messed up pretty bad because i didnt understand nutes and microbes,(and i still have a lot to learn) i was using mg bloom, molasses, and tried to kill a nat infestation with a large dose of neem. this batch is ko kush and this is thier first week of flower. looking good but very leary on nutes.


Well-Known Member
No clue about the TB, never used it.

AFA bubbling, the only 2 nutes I'm sure of are EJ and Blue Mountain Organic. There may be others, I've just never used them.

Of course, I do bubble all my teas and such.



ok, talked to FF, i'm starting to understand organic vr. non organic. tiger bloom has no BB or microbes and would not help to bubble. makes me like earthjuice all the more.