Earth Juice Users


RIU Bulldog
On the bottle it says to aerate it before use. How long do you guys usually aerate it for? I just bought the line and I'm unsure of how to use it. Can I aerate it just like my compost tea i.e. a day or two?
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
what bottle(s) do you have? i used grow/bloom, i would shake the solution up a ton before feeding, but tbh i never put them in my brewer. two days would be overkill imo.


Well-Known Member
Just like brewing up tea..........

Your bubbling time helps determine your ph.The longer you bubble the more your ph will climb.


RIU Bulldog
what bottle(s) do you have? i used grow/bloom, i would shake the solution up a ton before feeding, but tbh i never put them in my brewer. two days would be overkill imo.
I have the whole line. All 5 bottles.
It shou;dn't foam up too much should it?


Well-Known Member
I was told if it foams that means it needs a tiny bit of molasses. but I've also noticed temperature of the water/room can define this too, I say as long as you bubble it 24-48 hours, stirring every few hours, the mix will be aerated, many bacteria will come back alive and reproduce, and the over-all ph of the liquid will start to neurtralize (not that ph matters nearly as much in an organic situation, but still.)


Well-Known Member
On the bottle it says to aerate it before use. How long do you guys usually aerate it for? I just bought the line and I'm unsure of how to use it. Can I aerate it just like my compost tea i.e. a day or two?
Thanks for the help.
Yes, just like the compost tea.

Make sure you add the catalyst, that's what gets everything going. It also has molasses in it. It's cheap, but still to cut cost, I'll either use 1/2 the amount of catalyst called for and 1/2 molasses, or alternate the catalyst and molasses. Whichever is easiest for you.



It only has to be aerated explicitly for hydro-organics. For all other intents and purposes (hand-feeding) aeration isn't an absolute necessity (check the Earth Juice FAQ), despite the initially low pH. Definitely there are extra benefits to aerating, and throw in about a cup of EWC or compost per gal if you can.

For convenience, when you just don't have the time or means to aerate it plain old mixing in water and giving it a good shaking is just fine. You have to shake the hell out of anything you're adding Grow to in my experience because it's so thick.
Yes you have to shake shake shake it!! the grow is goopy and thick, so shaking and mixing everything is DEF necessary! the Bloom is not so thick but giving a good shaking is also necessary, it might be a little foamy. I just got a bottle of the catalyst, i wasnt to sure how important that was but DEF have it now!


Well-Known Member
I use the earth juice rainbow mix and primal harvest guano sometimes. i like it. but you got to use alot. it aerates pretty quick. 10 hours to 18 hours. its foamed up tuff