Earth Essential Cow manure and Compost mix


New Member
Has anyone tried Earth Essential Cow manure and Compost mix, based in Colorado?

I have a closet grow with t5's 4ft 8 bulb and the plants are in day 26 from bagseed.

During transplanting, I did not dig a big enough hole so I covered up some of the exposed roots with Earth Essential Cow manure and Compost mix, using it like a top soil.

Is this okay to do or do I have to worry about nutrient burn?

I used Fox Farms Happy Frog and cut it with some backyard soil, but I guess I didn't cut it enough because I believe all the plants suffered from nutrient burn - yellow and crinkled leaves in the beginning.

I contacted the Earth Essentials, but they don't seem to know exactly the ratio of cow manure to compost...the best the lady could tell me was that it was 60% cow manure and compost before they mix it with compost.

The plants look healthy, but seem to be growing slowly.

There is one plant that has shown some yellow tipped leaves in the past few's a little worrisome because it's all on new growth...I have not added any nutrients at all for any of the plants, just Happy Frog soil.

I should also note that I don't have the ideal growing conditions - no ventilation and during winter.

