Early picking question


Well-Known Member
I have a dumb question.... Hopefully i get a better answer LOL....

Is it possible to take a small popcorn bud from the bottom area of my plant not the top portion, as a test sample before the plant has matured, without doing any negative damage to the plant or is it not worth the injury to my girls? :leaf:

This question stems from a conversation i had with a friend, not something i want to do, but something we were discussing... :weed:


Well-Known Member
I have a dumb question.... Hopefully i get a better answer LOL....

Is it possible to take a small popcorn bud from the bottom area of my plant not the top portion, as a test sample before the plant has matured, without doing any negative damage to the plant or is it not worth the injury to my girls? :leaf:

This question stems from a conversation i had with a friend, not something i want to do, but something we were discussing... :weed:
The little undeveloped buds are just what they are "undeveloped and immature. Patience my friend...It would NOT be worth it.....


Well-Known Member
The little undeveloped buds are just what they are "undeveloped and immature. Patience my friend...It would NOT be worth it.....
Yeah, i know its not worth it, i just want to know if picking "ONE" bud only would hurt the plant, or is there no THC even in them yet? Its just an argument i am having with a friend, not something i plan on doing!!


Active Member
It would not hurt the plant very much to take one of the lowest buds off..

And as far as THC goes.. If its sticky and looks crystal-like, it contains THC..
The THC is not as potent as when the plant is mature, but chances are you probably CAN get a little buzz from it..

grow space

Well-Known Member
It would not hurt the plant very much to take one of the lowest buds off..

And as far as THC goes.. If its sticky and looks crystal-like, it contains THC..
The THC is not as potent as when the plant is mature, but chances are you probably CAN get a little buzz from it..

Yes dude, it will hurt you r plant and stress it, and it will delay the flowering process.


Well-Known Member
waddup ninja
its pretty much fine to pick a bud almost pos it does affect the plant but why not see wut your weeds going to bee like and if your growin outdoors most plants are done or just bout their
but waiting is always better


Gotta throw in my $0.02 on this one...

-Sure, waiting is better.
-Sure, it may cause some stress to the plant.
-Sure, it will have an impact on total yield.
-Sure, the under developed buds will not be as potent as more mature... Duh.

However, the simple fact is that many, many casual growers, fist time growers, etc will take numerous little "sample" buds from both a curiosity and experimental perspective from their plant, whether they admit it or not. It's not much different than taking a flower from any other "Annual" plant. The stress, assuming a healthy maturing outdoor plant, is negligible at best. A die hard pro may tell you otherwise and we are all entitled to our opinions and I respect theirs, it's just 'fun'damentally different with the casual and or first time growers, with the emphasis on 'fun'.

Using myself as an example... This is my first grow in several years, but I have grown many times in the past and this is aso my only current source of herb and I only grow for personal use. Have I been somewhat impatient? You bet. Is it fun? You bet. I have both this year and others taken samples with NO discernible impact at all, although in all fairness I did not have a 'control' plant for comparison, and I have also learned in the process which is a definite plus. While I am sure there is stress to the plant, again I view it as negligible. The way I see it, these are my plants that nobody else even knows about, and I grew them to provide me with some product, so why not since I understand the relatively small negative impact? I should also add that I have always been pleased at harvest time.

Of course I have been wrong before, and will be wrong again, but this is my opinion which is backed by personal experience.


Well-Known Member
Well here is my report: I picked one, dried it in the oven, packed the bubbler, got fucked up as all hell LOL ;-)
Even with the reduced potency of non matured fast dried bud i was still twiztid!! :eyesmoke:

P.S. There was no ill effect to the plant actually where i cut the bud off a new branch formed and has a bud there now ;-)