my plants are about 1 month and 1 week from seed. these plants in my room are all showing the early sprerad of whatever this is (pic to follow). I'm using fox far OF mixed with Light warrior. have feed nutes twice so far the last two weeks using 1 teaspoon per gallon a 2 cups of the mix once a week. IS THIS NUTES OR PH? please let me know if you can help out this is my first grow. its on my jesus og, freedom baby and marion berry all same age. my water PH is at 6, was at 7 last week tho until i changed. its hitting the plants that havnt been transplanted into larger pots yet the same way as the ones that have. could this be root mites that i can't see?IMG_2406.jpgIMG_2404.jpgIMG_2402.jpg


Active Member
Lol, you are worrying far too much my friend. Those look just fine. That's natural in all plants to develop little spots like that, where there was just a simple inconsistency in growth. It's not pH or nutes, it's just the plant doing it's thing.
i hope your right man, just trying to get ahead of a big problem because this all become apparent in one day and it has spread to other plants and to more leaves. also new growth on the worst one is coming up all chewed in like half the leaf yellowed off.