Early Flowering prevention NorCal?


Active Member
Whats Good ya'll got a question about early flowering in Nor Cal... I had a few Gorilla Grape clones and a few Blue Dream outdoor since EARLY april.

A couple weeks ago weather was ugly overcast and even rain for 2-3 days which seems to have caused all Gorilla Grape to begin to flower... All BD are still in veg, I was wondering if I am at risk given the current amount of daylight for these as well or is this strain any less likely to begin early flowering?

Also, will these re-veg during June/July if left in current state or are these worthy of being tossed out?

I've grown outdoor before with the same approach/area and never had this issue but I also started a couple weeks earlier since the weather seemed to be great before hand.

Thx 4 any input!


Active Member
Thx 4 da reply and answer I was hoping for.. I had used a cfl prior the ugly weather to get a bit of extra light thru the darkess period but thought I was alrdy in the clear as of mid april.

How much actual lighting is needed to prevent early flowering? Is a porch light sufficient or cfls a must

Aloha cola

Active Member
Thx 4 da reply and answer I was hoping for.. I had used a cfl prior the ugly weather to get a bit of extra light thru the darkess period but thought I was alrdy in the clear as of mid april.

How much actual lighting is needed to prevent early flowering? Is a porch light sufficient or cfls a must
I am wonder this also. How much light is really needed to keep out of flower.
Thinking of trying a solar yard light for a few extra hours...


Well-Known Member
Growing from seed will eliminate the problem. It's a pain to wait for the plant to re-vegetate, but it will do it. Harvest all the buds and calyxes and leave enough green leaves. Don't toss them out. If you start seeds in mid-April, you won't have a problem. I don't buy clones anymore, but if you do, wait until June to put them out. I doubt a porch light would do the job. You will have to provide enough light to fool the plant that it's still daytime. I'm no expert with lighting, though, so I don't know how much light is necessary. I'm an outdoor dirt gardener.