Early curing? suggestions needed


Well-Known Member
drying curing is also not rocket science.

its as simple as air drying the buds.. until the stems "snap" with a "crisp" sound.. with minimal pressure.

Once this is achieved.. then throw them into the curing jars and begin the curing process.

It's as simple as that my friends.. ;)

Once you start the curing process.. make sure you "burp" the jars twice a day.. for the first week. Then, the second week.. you can kinda lay back some.. and just burp the jars once a day.. letting fresh air in for exchange for the trapped air inside the jars.

Once again, its really not all that hard to do everyone. Seems like some people tend to make things harder than they really are. ;)

I'm not innocent either, I've made things harder than they were before.. but that all stopped once I realized that this really isn't rocket science..

90% of growing.. comes down to common sense.

Anyhow, that's my 2cents on the subject.



Active Member
Get them out of the plastic bag before you mold the whole lot. Finish drying in paper bags then trim and put into glass jars. It is better to cut the plant into separate branches and hang for 3-four days, then transfer to PAPER bags till stems are brittle then into glass jars.


Active Member
Never put your freshly harvested plants in plastic bags. You are going to mold the whole lot. After hanging and drying for 3-4 days put them in PAPER BAGS until stems are brittle then trim and place in glass jars. It is also better to cut the branches off the trunk and hang in the first stage than to hang the whole plant.