Early Clone Reveg

Yes. You are a typical angry newbie. Fussing over your 400w cabinet grow. Trying to act like you are doing something new and important. If you can't stand a little humor, a little criticism, this place ain't for you. Try grass city - perfect for whiny cunts with no experience.

Also, I would like to stick my dick in your ear. Would you like that, homie? :hump:
Aww, C'mon Pin, give him a break. He just came here to ask for a bit of advice, as most of us do from time to time. It makes me scared at times to ask in case I get ridiculed.

Your grow is truly AWESOME.....!!!!!:fire:.
Well done & PEACE to all growers, large & small alike...:peace:.
Also, I would like to stick my dick in your ear. Would you like that, homie? :hump:
good ole pin, always the respectful and attentive lover.
I mean most of us woulda just started jabbing our cocks into your ears, but not pin, nuh-uh.
he asks first.

It's important that he acknowledges himself as the role model that he is.