EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Well-Known Member
Hey man :D great to have you here!!

I think I'll just scrape through with stretch space hey, thinking i'll put her back to flower on wednesday so a few more days to get the tips out and then the stretch is on :) we'll soon see though man lol


Well-Known Member
Good stuff! She got any pong in veg? (stink) I do love a good scrog....is that a bbq hotplate frame your using?


Well-Known Member
She has a little smell but not much hey, pretty tame compared to others ive grown :)

haha nah its a frame i knocked up out of aluminium pieces i got from bunnings ;) cost me about $40 to make i think, but should work well!


Active Member
Damn looking good. I wish i could do hydro, actually im sure i could do it, but i should probably wait til i master the dirt first


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by dude :)

Anyone can do hydro mate, just have to be on the ball and be prepared to spend the money up front to get everything you need before starting it :D


Active Member
Eastcostmo u r doing AMAZING work over there!! I'm glad the system is working well for you!! Man, I gotta order that XL!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the compliment man :D

That XL forces some ridiculous growth hey, ive got roots coming down the drain pipe heading for my res!!


Well-Known Member
They reckon square pots help with that? I thought maybe a clear drain pipe might help to deter them...light exposure


Well-Known Member
Hmm wonder if i can get square pots for next time...worth a try i guess. Shouldnt matter too much once she goes back to flower in a few days, shouldnt grow too much more!

I reckon you'd be asking for trouble having clear pipes hey, algae would build up quick as would root rot if the roots did grow down that far ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, i owe a lot of it to you bro :D

Got a slight bit of nute burn again so going to back off on the Dr Repair hey, dont think she needs 2mL as she's not a nute hungry plant! Sounds like the extra nitrogen in the Dr Repair may be just that little bit too much...


Well-Known Member
I flipped her back to flower today as she's starting to fill up the tent and i dont want to run out of room. She'll be on 13/11 light so 13 hours off as it was recommended to me by the breeder.


Bloom A & B: 60mLs each to 30L
Dr Repair- 30mL
B1 Boost- 30mL
Silica- 30mL
Potash- 30mL
Sugar rush- 30mL
Floralicious plus- 7.5mL

Here's a pic- still have to train her out and clip a few flimsy branches off that wont produce much.



Well-Known Member
once again your plants amaze me. Should be some killer smoke man. Keep up that green thumb madness bra.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Well i committed a full rookie mistake this arvo! Forgot to turn the return pipe back on to the res so have just spent the last 30 mins mopping out the tent :( looks like my girl got a solid flushing of nutrients on her first day of flower :( hope it doesnt stuff her up!