E.Ontario Outdoor


Well-Known Member
alright just thought I'd show some pics of my progress..

Romulan x Mighty Might

Let me know what you think.. I had put them outside aprox May 27th and they were like 2 inches tall.. Considering this year is the wettest ever on record with (3-4 days of sunny days for july) I think they look decent..

As well, the last 2 pics I think are male balls that I think I see but, I just require somebody to confirm plz..

My females are aprox 6' tall and some are starting to flower..

Hope you like :bigjoint:


northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
My first outdoor grow, well 1st that made it to harvest was mighty might. If I had a scanner I would post a pic. It's on a photograph. This was back before digital cameras were popular. Lol I'm getting old.


Well-Known Member
hahaha cool man!!

How was the mighty might??

I remember having to take pics with the poiloroid camera andsending them in to High times..

lol.. Man we are getting old..

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
The smoke was awsome! Super fruity. Though I didn't know that much then it turned out great. I would reccomend it. I just wouldn't grow it cause it doesn't suite my needs for yield. Maybe I'll throw a few out next year, just maybe. I wouldn't mine harvesting a some in aug.


romulan times mighty mite huh?what a combo they look great