E-mail from a Person in India


Well-Known Member
Dear Client,
We are direct manufacturers and suppliers of Best qualityResearched chemicals and plant food to increase plant growth and production with organic types of fertilizer in a limited growing season, and cooler temperature farming.(fertilizers and nutrient transference) like DOC,4-ACO-DMT, 2-C-E,Hydrocodone,Dimethocaine ketamine,ephedrine,methylone,mephedrone,4-Fluoromethamphetamine,a-Pyrrolidinopropiophenone Morphine and others.
We are selling our products at very reasonable prices as specified below and we also give special Discounts to clients who order above
Mephedrone (4-MMC)

25g $150

50g $290

100g $560

500g $1700

1000g $3200

We do offer free sample packages of (4.5gram) to those of our clients who are able and willing to take care of their delivery charges right up to their doorsteps via EMS,UPS,DHL, or FEDEX Corier Service.So if you are interested in sampling our product quality so as to be able to confirm our product quality before coming back for more and larger orders,then please do immediately get back to us with the below information so as to enable us commernce with packaging

They said they will send me 4.5g packs for free if I pay for shipping.. That seems ridiculous. The prices seem ridiculous. Why offer HUGE sampler packs. wtf. I am going to try it out. It just seems way too ridiculously cheap. LIKE RIDICULOUS. 4.5g samples! Holyshit! These guys better be loaded.

Those mephedrone prices are 6 dollars a gram! That's almost impossible! Unless they synthesize it themselves? The cheapest I ever got meph for was 12/g, so it is possible. If they are direct manufacturers, it could be that cheap. If I get the 4.5 g sample, I am ordering.. Then again it could be a scam. Send huge sample, get order after, dont send. That would cover sending 4.5g for sure..
yah, those prices are by far the cheapest i've seen any where.. not only that, but like you've said, 4.5 gram samples?? very nice, if it's true, lol.. we shall see i'm sure.. g/l...
No doubt its a scam.

No one, who has them, is openly advertising opiates. Save for a few people, maybe it is worth a shot.

At least MDMA isn't on that list, then it would really be scam-likely.
Then again, I know of an online pharmacy that vends morphine capsules. Never had the guts to order it, had a friend who did and it looked authentic. And then again, then again, it was a pharmacy and not an RC vendor. I'm still looking for that Etizolam Hard.... If it is as good as you say...
I just can't find one that will ship to Canada.

I found a post referring to vendors of pure etizolam powder in Canada but that customs for them would be a bitch. Maybe it was huge quantities they were trying to buy, maybe used the wrong name all together. In anycase I really want to know.