Dynasty Genetics Thread

Thanks for the recommendations I grabbed one pack thru speakeasy with the shiskablues. Very excited!! First time ordering thru them I always thought they were overseas?
Happy growing to all
Blue Magoo BX3 still available at chitownseeds, labyrinth seed bank, and usseedhub. I've used chitown and labyrinth no problems. Ordered from usseedhub this time because they are offering a free 10 pack of cherry llama (llama x ms universe) w/ every pack of blue Magoo BX3. Professor P described the cherry llama as a cherry chem so if that appeals to you might want to try them. I placed my order Friday morning, was able to pay with GPay, and my package was already shipped that afternoon, scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Oh yeah subscribe to their newsletter for 15% off.
I grabbed the Orange Cherries freebie with my Blue Magoo bx3 from Speakeasy, does anyone know anything about the Orange Cherries?
Just started following Dynasty. Love what I’m seeing so far. I’m a big fan of PNW and BC genetics, can’t believe it took me so long to get here.

Has anyone heard about a restock of Moose and Lobsta or Crater Lake?

Also, can anyone comment about the Platinum Huckleberry Cookies V2? I remember reading that the older release was more desirable, but is that in regards to V2 or V3?
