Again, I'm raising the bullshit flag. As I pointed out you can grow cannabis in high RH areas. For crying out loud son, it's not a cactus. It's a frickin' flowering
tropical annual that likes a lot of water, RH, and a well drained soil. No, you might struggle with indica types, but doing sativas that have open airy buds aren't a problem. I've done it, and with no sprays.
Water cooled grow room, in Costa Rica eh? Do I have that right? (Tell me it aint so).
Putting in a $300,000 water cooled grow room you have to ship in and transport on site to grow pot in tropical Costa is about as stupid and ridiculous as it gets. It reeks of posing. You can bullshit your enablers, but don't try this crap on me. You trying to get me to believe that you can't grow pot in a tropical, jungle area like Costa Rica outdoors, in the thick of one of your forests? If those fruit trees of yours can survive your insects and RH, why not pot? Tropical fruit is very susceptible to rots and diseases, mainly anthracnose. How do you fight anthracnose pressures?
OK, since you think there are mountains in Colombia and that's where they grow their pot, find a mountain. There's plenty of them there. Don't care what your laws are either. They can't be half as bad as Texas and I have grown plenty of outdoor pot plants under subterfuge. Apparently the cops are very tolerant of cannabis.
Also, the old timers remember a Costa Rican grower that posted to CW. Grew in a greenhouse.
If you are who you pose to be, what makes this $300,000 chilled grow operation so "bust free" and a lucrative operation? You got cheap utilities? Gonna sell that stuff for a big profit are you? Pot smoking is big in Costa Rica. That suggests to me that a lot of people are growing it or buying cheap from neighboring countries.
Again, there's something real damn fishy with you. I'm thinking it's a case of all hat and no cattle.