Dyna gro is garbage!


New Member
I spend about $50 a grow on nutes for 12-16 plants. All I use is: several kinds of guano, liquid kelp, liquid humic, worm castings, and a blend of several organic compounds like bonemeal, feathermeal, green sand, and a few others. I Make teas with molasses and some blend of the previously mentioned ingredients, then I also top dress.
Never have to worry about burning a plant.
Way cheaper than any brand name nutrient system.
Better taste and smell from final product.
Equal yields(this takes some practice, first couple grows, probably won't yield as well as conventional nutes for most growers).
Equal if not greater resin and trichome production(also takes some practice).

That's all completely circumstantial evidence.

You grow better in organic soil than you do in hydro. That's you.

Plants grow bigger and faster in hydro (when done correctly!) than in soil.

No debating that...

Seriously, I don't know why more people don't grow with guano, compost, and tea.
Nutes are just a scam to keep people spending money.

You're on the hydro board dude. You know that right?

Show me how you grow in hydro without nutes.........................................*cricket* *cricket*

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
That's all completely circumstantial evidence.

You grow better in organic soil than you do in hydro. That's you.

Plants grow bigger and faster in hydro (when done correctly!) than in soil.

No debating that...

You're on the hydro board dude. You know that right?

Show me how you grow in hydro without nutes.........................................*cricket* *cricket*
I used to think that was a bunch of hooey until someone I know switched to hydro. The difference between his soil and hydro grows was significant. He says he will never go back to soil.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I've used dynagro off and on for years. I never had any major complaints with it. Once I started using co2 it does seem to lack a little potassium late in flower tho and I am going to try the ionic series next. I have solids at the bottom of every gallon of dynagro and I use a gallon bout every 6 wks. Once i get down to that crap I throw it out.


Well-Known Member
Would love to see your plant and bud pictures. With a comment like that u must show some sample bud shots so we can see how great u r.
The first 5 are my last grow of GDP, I think the first two are taken about week 6 or so, the picture of the canopy was maybe a week later, and that lovely little gold nugget is just a small piece of the 40 grams of high quality wax that was produced from the trim. I think the trichome pic was around the same time as the canopy pic. Harvested 2.4 lbs on 12 plants, not too shabby.
The last pic is my current grow of lavender diesel, that photo is also taken about week six, I guess thats when I get trigger happy with the camera. Ill take some more pics of the LD and post them tomorrow, almost end of week 7 now.
best gdp closeup.jpegGDP closeup.jpeggdp close1.jpeggdp room.jpeggdp moon rox.jpegIMAG0244.jpg
Some time I get a little more, closer to 4 oz per plant, and sometimes a little less but this is a pretty standard grow. For my 72inx72inx72in flowering space.


Well-Known Member
That's all completely circumstantial evidence.

You grow better in organic soil than you do in hydro. That's you.

Plants grow bigger and faster in hydro (when done correctly!) than in soil.

No debating that...

You're on the hydro board dude. You know that right?

Show me how you grow in hydro without nutes.........................................*cricket* *cricket*
Haha, I didn't even notice it was a hydro thread my mistake, just saw someone griping about nutes and seemed like a good time to get on my organic soapbox.
I will save it for a non-hydro thread in the future. Happy grows, whatever your medium.
One parting note, plants do not grow bigger and faster in hydro, maybe you grow plants bigger and faster in hydro, and I also believe that that is the common perception. A good organic soil grow with co2 is just as productive.
I know several soil growers much more talented than myself that harvest yields as good as any hydro setup, with quality, taste, and aroma that can't be matched by any hydro grow.