dying seedlings


Active Member
alright so can i just plug that into the wal or do i need a specual outlet or something haha whats the deal?


Active Member
no like i said they toppled over and died, so i did it again same thing happend and again same thing happend, then i figured id seek the advice of some experts, and that led me here haha, but ya im germing up a new batch of seeds now. gettem sitting on top of my pc monitor, its keeping them nice and warm haha =)


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Try a different medium like rockwool or peat pots, it may work out better for you. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm not a big time grower either dude and I have 600watts of HID in my closet. Even for 1 or 2 or 3 plants dude with a 400w your buds are gonna be thick and resinous and dense, something you wont get with cfls. you will be dissapointed with your buds after your cfl grow.


Active Member
alrighty, so that HPS lighting system u linked me, i can just plug and go into any wall socket or do i need an attachment or somrhting?


Active Member
here buddy straight out of my marijuana horticulture indoor/outdoor growers bible. seed germinates stem at base has dark sickly growth,suddenly falls over,or suddenly wilts.CAUSE damping off or wilt disease to much or too little moisture.then i looked up damping off in the diesease area it say's it is caused by fungi r already present in the soil,overwatering and maintaing a soggy soil and excessive humidity. it say's that do not put seedling's in humidity tent cause excesive humidity can cause damping off

HOW DOES THAT SOUND FOR SOME INFO does this sound like ur problem


Well-Known Member
weres the suggestion, and i only need enough light to support 1 or 2 plants im not a big time grower
While you cant go wrong with a HID light, for 1 or 2 plants then 8 - 40watt cfls will give you a nice start and a good bang for the buck. However, there does come a point where cfls can get more expensive than HID lights. So think to your future and do you see expansion after a few grows under your belt or are you kinda locked in to certain constraints or reasons for some time and cant expand. Only you can decide that. But I do suggest getting just a little more than what you need because you will most definetly find a way to squeeze just one more in at some point, which is why I suggested the 8 cfls, you could go 3 plants and still be ok.