dying seedlings


Active Member
about a week into growing, my little babys topple over and die, any advice? i think the light might be to far away causing the stem to strech weakening it, sound like the case to anyone? any help would be greatly aprecited.


Well-Known Member
make sure the seed is planted a couple inches down (to get a strong taproot) and if its stretching at all you need more light, I would have had this problem but I sprouted outside, weed plants that get proper light are very compact, people see plants that get proper lighting and go woah "that a bushy ass stout plant" when its just some bagseed thats half sativa, plants arent supposed to be super stretched and thin (except with the pure sativa, theyre tall thin buggers) A friend of mine had the same exact problem the seedling would get a few inches then just fall over and die, more light plant the seed just a bit deeper. It may take longer to crest/surface but it will be worth it. my gal about a month I bent over as far as a could (I was told with LST you can bend it as far as it doesnt tear out the soil. if I wanted to I could have laid the stem in the dirt and have it pinned totally horizontally, thats how strong the roots should be in a proper plant one month old.


Active Member
thanks thats actually really helpful haha, and no i dont even know what that is, its just like my signature tag for forums and stuff haha whats like a cheap light that you would recomend ive been trying t find a good either HPS or mH light but havent been really succesful with finding a cheap one.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Do you use a dome on them? What kind of light are they under now? What are they planted in? :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
well i have them under like some mini greenhouse thing? i bought for like 5 dollars at a plant nursery its just like a clear platic cover? and there in organic plant soil from the same plant store,there under a compact flourescent.


Active Member
its fairly moist, wenever i notice it getting a little dry i put a few drops of water in keep the soil a nice consistent moisture all the way through to the bottom.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I am not sure what to tell you, I have never put seeds right into soil. I put my popped seeds in rockwool 5 days ago and they are doing great. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
make sure the seed is planted a couple inches down (to get a strong taproot)
I would like to interject here and say that I dont agree, which is ok isn't it? A seed buried a couple inches down sounds a bit much. I am inclined to think a seed 2 inches down would use all its reserve nutrients in the seed pod before it ever breached the soil to see light for the first time. Personally I go 1/4 to 1/2, and they have always done fine. That root will grow as it needs to support the the size of the plant, provided it has every thing it needs. And I must add, this is the first time I have ever heard of putting the seed more than 1/2 inch down. If it works for you, great but I feel the OP should have another opinion.


Active Member
yea its always better to put it closer to the top. you can just add some soil if it looks like its gonna fall over and the roots will start to grow up higher and support it more


Active Member
ya ive never heard of putting the seed deeper than a 1/2 in. deeper either but the logic makes sence. im germing up a couple new seeds right now. ill futz around with some diffrent depths once they crack. hopefully theyll grow big and strong like there mommy i smokinn:)


Active Member
i think i just need a new setup to be honest, i just need someone to recomend a GOOD cheap lighting system. sooo anyone feel free hahaha


Well-Known Member
i think i just need a new setup to be honest, i just need someone to recomend a GOOD cheap lighting system. sooo anyone feel free hahaha
A vanity light that is as big as you need. Y Splitters and 40watt cfls in every socket and an Intermatic timer.


Active Member
check if the stem at the soil line is greenish purple it could be damping off which attacks seedling's and clones when to much moisture is present in the soil or for it to be whiteish looking were the stem meets the soil also a sign of damping off iff so your nutrients and water supply r cut off and causing it to fall over and die start over my friend if this is the case ohh or it could just be bad seeds to cause damping off but check this


Well-Known Member
I always plant my seeds after germing, from the tip of my pointer finger to my middle knuckle (2in). Have you ever let seeds sit in wet paper towels for a week? They will grow taproots 5 inches or more before shriveling and dying. As always with growing flora what works for some doesnt for all. But I guess planting my seeds deep is what leads to having nice stout bushy plants, as I said earlier being able to completely lay the stem in the dirt at a month old is a fuckn strong root system!!! oh and heres a light suggestion.....


Well-Known Member
High Tech Garden Supply

cfls are ok and they stay cool and all, but lets all be realistic, you will grow a beautiful maybe even a large plant under a bunch of cfls. But with the same wattage with HID your buds will be quality, you will be proud, you'll save power in the sense that you can use 400w of cfls and a 400w hps and with the hps you'll get twice the buddage. also check this out its really interesting...
YouTube - THC, UVB and Me

I'll for sure be getting a UVB reptile bulb to put above my plant during flowering. THC IS A DEFENSE MECHANISM!!!