dying plants - help me!


Active Member
i hope someone will be able to help me with my problem: ever since i put my seedlings under the 400watt MH and into the hyro system, their leaves have been curling down and drying out. i had some problems with my ventilation setup, and the temp got pretty high in there (30°C) and one plant died, so i thought that was the problem, and i left the door open. the temp went down to 25°C, and the leaves stopped drying out so fast. then the fucking cat went in there and ate one of the plants, but anyway, it seemed to work for some time, but now the plants are growing their 3rd and 4th sets of leaves, and even the new leaves keep drying out on the outside. and 2 other plants died. can anyone help me figure out what the problem is??
they're in a hydro drip system ph 5,5, ppm 200, the temp is 25°c and the humidity is about 60%. they get 18hrs of light from a 400watt mh thats 60 cm above them, with a fan blowing in between.
im posting some pictures so you can see

please help me!!!



Active Member
I had the same problem as you a while back ventilation looks like the problem what you running 400 w sodium heat stress and lack of co2 looks the problem
I had this on my 1st and 2nd and third grow bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
looks like you have everything right but does look ike nute burn. you can back those nutes to 100ppm and raise the ph to 5.8. how may times a day you feeding them? if more than 2/3 than doesnt matter what ppms are she is getting nute blasted.


Active Member
are you sure it's the solution? coz they're about a month old, and into their 3rd and 4th set of leaves. it's a drip system, and it's on all the time. i'll change the solution to 100ppm, but i already did this before but it didn't seem to make a difference so i put it back to 200...


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot to add when they are that small you want 400 w at least a metre away to hot man
If u have enough air you can keep the light cool..
I have a 400watt on my 1 week 4 day old plants..
mabey 1 foot above them. kinda cuttin it close cuz i
slightly burned one when i got it any closer.