Dying leaves and sexing issue [PICS]


One of my plants seems to be suffering from something, but i just can't tell for sure what it is.

The (older) leaves near the bottom turn yellow while showing brown spots and eventually die (As you can see in the attached pictures).

I'm thinking it might be a deficiency of some kind. Magnesium perhaps? Or maybe nitrogen or phosphorous? Also, maybe this is an underwatering issue? The potting soil is (was until a few minutes ago actually) kind of dry in some areas.

Next, while i was taking a closer look at the wilted leaves, i noticed some strange buds at the top of the plant wich kinda looked like balls. Even tough i thought my plant was female because it also has the tiny white hairs where they're supposed to be.

Any help with diagnosing my sick plant or help with sexing would be greatly appreciated.


Silly me.. ofcourse those are male flowers..

Now i'm kinda worried about pic no. 6.. It looks like it released pollen.. is my harvest messed up?

Thing is i went on a 7-day holiday and i didn't notice them before i left. My other plants had female preflowers all over them while these guys are at the top of the plant. Nothing down the base. Must have been too worked up about the yellow leaves near the bottom before i left and missed them... meh...

So.. am i screwed?


I'm not a pro in any mean lol, but from what I've read on here depending on how long you have been flowering them is the main concern.


Well-Known Member
If your pH is good you may need to feed them heavier to fuel the stretch. I had a similar problem starting out, I was only giving my plants 1 gallon of nutes in a 7 gallon pot, giving them two and upping the ppm slightly made everything better.