Dying during flowering


I seemed to be having a problem with my plants while i was on veg light cycle, it was dying from the bottom up, i semi flushed, and i left the dying leave on(because if i removed them whatever was killing them moved up to the next set of leaves more quickly)they still were slowly dying but showed improvement, i started my 12-12 light cycle the other day, everything is the same except light, when i came back to turn the lights on again i noticed that the dying had increased.
the leaves are not drying out and dying, they are still moist and turn yellow and fall off. although when i started the new light cycle one or two leaves on a plant started dying(but still dark green)

anyone have any ideas on wtf is going on?

exclude PH, PH is fine.

rot root(why would it intensify when lighting changed)

spidermites ( plants are dying from bottom up, not everywhere)

overnute (why would lighting effect this)

any help is appreciated.
hi,i noticed that the very bottom leaves on my plants done the same, i just put it down to them not getting enough light,they are not same size as top leaves, also what strength food you using, if i am right, when lighting cycle changes,plants metabalism also changes,meaning you might not be giving them correct strength food(not enough) just a thought.


Dying leaves can be normal when flowering. You are trying to replicate fall and winter season. Look around you during those time and you'll see most of the plants are doing the same thing. This is why we make sure that during veg time, that it has enough leaves that it can afford to lose some during flowering.

If your not putting fertilizers, cut the dead or yellowing leaves. This will make sure that all the minerals are not waisted on them and will go to your buds. If you use fertilizers, keep the all the leaves, you can use them in case you over fertilize. It prevents burning in your bud because there's more surface area for it to go around in the plant and it theres burning, it usually burn the dying leaves.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Normal for leaves to go yellow. When watering make sure you soil is almost dry and it is a good time for you to go get Hawaiian Bud and Bloom by Grow more found at Armstrong or the likes of, which is 5-50-17 NPK ratio. see my avatar that is about 30" long and about 18 inch around on a bottom spear.

Also if you use your search bar you can search yellow leaves and you will find most everything posted; as just about everything you are tackling has been remedied or dealt with already BTW