dying during flowering :(


Well-Known Member
i do not have a meter for ppms etc. how essential is it i get one of those?
pH meter is by the far most important so make sure yours is accurate. do you calibrate it? keep it b/t 5.5 and 6.1 always.

i use about a $30 EC meter. EC meter is also important: i like to see my EC dropping slightly every day to prove they are eating nutes.


i have a bluelabs meter which i have calibrated with the buffer chemicals, i will look into getting myself an EC meter...

thanks rkymtnman!


Active Member
Stop adding so much stuff. Only add your bennies on a res change. Get a PPM meter. Yes.. it's critically important. It's imperative that you know whether your res is going up or down, same with pH.

Ditch the epsom and cal mag.. epsom salts ARE magnesium so you're double dosing. With a proper feeding schedule calmag shouldn't even be required.

You can't use bennies and peroxide together; the peroxide kills them. If you are going to use bennies then you need to switch the peroxide to an enzyme product instead.