dying buds different colors?

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
heyy, alright so dumb question so dont hate, but can u dye buds? like take normal chronic n turn the buds like red or blue or anything? like would it be dangerious to smoke?:? any thoughts?
or just grow out some more colourful weed. blueberry as a starting point? (the blue/purple/pinky pheno is usually 1 female in a pack of 10 regulars and have heard this strain likes to hermie even more when feminised so just go for the regulars). also lots of 'normal' plants change colour nearer harvest or if temperature or nutrient problems.

Personally I wouldnt bother 'tainting' your precious weed even if just to sell to someone. is it worth the risk? even organic substances can have negative / adverse reactions on living things (including us humans) sometimes worse!

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
thanks for all the posts i just read a few about this already and apparently it makes ur buds taste like shit, so im gonna try something else and use natural cherry extract and let some DRYED buds sock that up n add a lil bit of red with it so it has taste and color? ill try it once i pick up again since i cant grow atm becuz i live with my parents and failed about 3 times trying lol so ill grow some next summer!! lol any way im gonna try it with some cherry extract and red so make red cherry tasting weed? hopefully it works ill post back with my conclusion once i pick up my next QP hopefully good weed:) and i saw a post about watering ur plant it yea apparently it works if u water ur plant with food coloring a few days before harvesting and it turns ur leafs colors so im trying with DRYED buds cuz i cant grow...atm so thanks for everyones fedback and i hope i get a good conclusion on this cherry/red tasting weed:) a week tops:)

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
true say but its worth a try? i just wanted to know if its gonna cause cancer or something lol n i dditn wanna call the food coloring place n ask them if i smoke it will it cause brain damage lol

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
That would be a great phone call to record ... "does smoking minute quantities of your food coloring cause any problems?"

If they say not to use it for that purpose, you should ask what specific ingredient is harmful and why is it not documented on the product label - they have a legal obligation to protect people from their own stupidity and if they don't say not to smoke it, how are we supposed to know it's bad for us :-)


Active Member
theres a thread on coloring your bud with food coloring, it works, it doesn't taste good

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
i just said that in my above post if u didnt read im using natural cherry extract and red food coloring not just food coloring so read before u post next time thanks

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
That would be a great phone call to record ... "does smoking minute quantities of your food coloring cause any problems?"

If they say not to use it for that purpose, you should ask what specific ingredient is harmful and why is it not documented on the product label - they have a legal obligation to protect people from their own stupidity and if they don't say not to smoke it, how are we supposed to know it's bad for us :-)
lol maybe ill do it but then ill feel like a idoit when they go why would u smoke it? lol