Dying Blueberry!!! 2-weeks Flowering (pics)


Well-Known Member
Have a problem with one of my Blueberry plants... it's the second week of flowering, Full dose organic (Earth Juice Bloom) nutes... pH is good, just started drooping terribly, and losing a lot of lower leaves... last flush was about 28 days ago...

Any ideas?!



Well-Known Member
looks alot like potassium def to me..... if i was u id get some ntues with a decent amout of "K" in the NPK

EDIT: 95% sure it is potassium def. check this link in the grow faq.... GROWFAQ


Well-Known Member
looks alot like potassium def to me..... if i was u id get some ntues with a decent amout of "K" in the NPK

EDIT: 95% sure it is potassium def. check this link in the grow faq.... GROWFAQ
Been feeding a full dose of Earth Juice Bloom, it's 0-3-1 and half dose of Grow 2-1-1...


Well-Known Member
my leaves can take on that sort of a look when my ladies get hot or thirsty for an extended period of time...