

Active Member
I just recently got into DXM. It was pretty cool. first time, the pink panther came out of the wall and i had a conversation with a drunken pepper grinder. THat was the only time i hallucinated from it. Every other time, i just got stoned as hell and it lasted 2-3 times as long as pot. plus it was like an out of body experiance. I would recomend trying but but everyone reacts differently. you either like it or you dont.
This you need to be careful with - it's known to get addictive.

If you decide to try it - please try to get pure powder, instead of downing cough syrup bottles.

don't be stupid.
Yeah cough surrup will fuck you up (very very very very much) but jesus...so will lsd and mushrooms and dmt and 2ce, ect. I knew a kid that was a serious DXM addict. He had a binge where he did so much his brain swelled and he spent 2 weeks in ICU. Kid got fired from work and couldn't find the way back to his house sober. DXM is cheap fun but it is NOT intended to be used as a intoxicant, same goes for fucking Duster.
And for those stubborns who decide to take the cough syrup, make sure the only active ingredient is dextromethorphan. most products come with others, such as Acetaminophen, which can damage your liver in high doses..

again, dont be stupid.
i may be limited but im not ignorant. i only use 8 hour cause it only has DXM. ever scince i got outta school, halucinogens have been hard to get
Personally my stomach never could handle cough syrup, much less downing a whole bottle at once. The best way to do it is to get coricidin cold & cold pills (cvs has a generic variety). Take 6-8 (tolerance goes up too fast. you'll do 20 soon) of those and you'll be messed up. Smoke some herb first to calm your stomach if you're sort of sensitive to this sort of stuff. If you have an iron gut, then disregard.

Don't go buying/stealing just any cold pill and thinking 10 or 20 will mess you up in a good way. You can seriously damage your organs, or have a heart attack. This is one reason why coricidin brand has been used; its for people with high blood pressure, so you can take 12 and not die. If you have high blood pressure don't do this stuff.

I never had any crazy visuals unless I was mixing a variety of drugs. Straight Triple C's (coricidin cold and cough) made me feel reality differently like I felt like a midget (or I was 7 feet tall), like gravity was greater than normal, like my head didnt weigh anything, like everything was some terribly lit rip-off tarantino film. You can't sleep when you're coming down and you don't eat for 12hrs to a day because of them. I'll admit sometimes I could get a cool warm feeling buzz from them, and the first couple times I got the whole out of body thing, and that was fresh. They're ok to do a couple of times to maybe learn how your own body handles this sort of thing, and how to handle a trip (the out of body was pretty nuts).
Personally my stomach never could handle cough syrup, much less downing a whole bottle at once. The best way to do it is to get coricidin cold & cold pills (cvs has a generic variety). Take 6-8 (tolerance goes up too fast. you'll do 20 soon) of those and you'll be messed up. Smoke some herb first to calm your stomach if you're sort of sensitive to this sort of stuff. If you have an iron gut, then disregard.

Don't go buying/stealing just any cold pill and thinking 10 or 20 will mess you up in a good way. You can seriously damage your organs, or have a heart attack. This is one reason why coricidin brand has been used; its for people with high blood pressure, so you can take 12 and not die. If you have high blood pressure don't do this stuff.

I never had any crazy visuals unless I was mixing a variety of drugs. Straight Triple C's (coricidin cold and cough) made me feel reality differently like I felt like a midget (or I was 7 feet tall), like gravity was greater than normal, like my head didnt weigh anything, like everything was some terribly lit rip-off tarantino film. You can't sleep when you're coming down and you don't eat for 12hrs to a day because of them. I'll admit sometimes I could get a cool warm feeling buzz from them, and the first couple times I got the whole out of body thing, and that was fresh. They're ok to do a couple of times to maybe learn how your own body handles this sort of thing, and how to handle a trip (the out of body was pretty nuts).

When you give out information, you need to give out proper information, people like you are how people end up in the hospital.

Coricidin cold and cough also has antihistamines in it, which at high doses will make you vomit pretty bad, and at higher doses can hurt you worse.

a box of ceedin isnt the way to go, it's too much of a risk. sure i've tried it myself. and so of yoyu may to - but you dont need people telling you to - i learned my lesson from one time.
CC&C is definitely not the way to go, as russ0r said the powder is the way to go, but there is another alternative besides that and chugging the cough syrup (I once chugged 16oz of that stuff a few years ago, around 1400mg DXM if I remember correctly DON"T DO THIS). These days they have robotussin cough gels with 15mg of DXM(per pill, 300mg per bottle) as the only active ingredient, not sure if you can find them everywhere but they've got them in most stores by me.

From what I've heard/read drinking a large amount of cough syrup (8oz or so) is equal to a really heavy week of drinking to your liver/kidneys.

Also DXM trips are segmented into different 'Plateaus' describing the intensity of the trip.

• 1st Plateau: 1.5-2.5 mg/kg This is the weakest level. This feels slightly intoxicating, a little light headed. Some music euphoria is noticable

• 2nd Plateau: 2.5-7.5 mg/kg This level is often compared to being stoned and drunk at the sametime. When this might seem true, there is also a noticably strong "mental" high also. You can have trouble talking with slurring, and can have a hard time carrying on an indepth conversation, because your short-term memory can be temporarily impared. And occasionally you can have mild hallucinations.

• 3rd Plateau: 7.5-15 mg/kg This level has strong intoxications and hallucinations. Things can become very confusing as your thinking processes are disturbed. You can sometimes daze-off into your own world, and get lost in your own mind. Trips in this plateau can sometimes be unpleasant.

• 4th Plateau: +15 mg/kg This is the strongest level. This is a sub-anesthetic dose, and can be compared to a high dose of Ketamine. Your mind and body become seperated at this level and it can become dangerous psychologically, and physically. Personally I say that you should never have to go this high, it can be very dangerous. But whatever you do, NEVER go past 20 mg/kg (about 2000mg for a 220lb person), this can become very toxic and kill you.

There is also another plateau that some say they've reached called Sigma plateau, and it's usually described as dying, so don't take too much.

I'm tired of typing but I'll try and answer any other questions you've got about dxm.
iv gone to the 3rd plateau. i couldnt believe i didnt die in the shower. i was not there at all. and with the powder, if anyone knows any sites i could get it from, cause the site i was trying to get it from didnt reply to my e-mail
The third plateau is insane, the only thing I've done that has similar effects is ketamine in larger doses. When you lay down in a dark room you can expect to be completely out of this world, unlike most visuals on acid or mushrooms you hallucinate whole dreamscapes and often talk to people or things that aren't there, it feels like an more vivid lucid dream. Another thing that always happens to me on the 3rd plateau is when leaving one dream scene to another I'll feel like I'm moving at incredible speeds, or floating downwards.

One downside to all this is the "robo-shuffle" which makes you look more insane than any crazy person you've ever seen on a corner, and the zombified stare most people on that much DXM have is downright scary. Another downside for some people is the ego loss or loss of self which causes psychiatric harm in some people while others come though the trip just fine, all depends on your setting, frame of mind, and will.
When you give out information, you need to give out proper information, people like you are how people end up in the hospital.

Coricidin cold and cough also has antihistamines in it, which at high doses will make you vomit pretty bad, and at higher doses can hurt you worse.

a box of ceedin isnt the way to go, it's too much of a risk. sure i've tried it myself. and so of yoyu may to - but you dont need people telling you to - i learned my lesson from one time.

I agree with you that cold pills or cough syrup isn't the way to if you have other options available.
I should have specified abusing over the counter drugs is a bad idea. C&C were one of the better options if you're going to make the decision to eat cold pills/drink syrup at all, at least in my area. I've done the comparisons of ingredients myself. Granted, this was a couple years ago, and again I should have mentioned this. I still stand by my other post.

Thank you for providing another angle, as I obviously left some stuff out.
i usually take ONE bottle of Robitussin max Cough (15mg DXM per serving) and its pretty wild, WAY more sensitivity to lights and music then ecstacy, but kind of the same body feeling, more than one bottle and youll have crazy crazy crazy ass halluciations and feel so weird, i never do more than one bottle.
NOT WORTH IT!!! cause the damage done to your liver is too much of a risk for the short period of extacy...lol and this is coming from me....Just do shrooms, or extacy perferably pure mdma..better yet do mesculine but fuck the cough syrup...
its called "dexing" and i usally just mix DMX/Codeine with a cup of sprite and a jolly rancher(aka PIMP JUICE) and sip that while i smoke a joint

...it usally ends with me looking something like this:shock: