DwR's +20 Plant Grow


Well-Known Member
Wow. A couple of those look like a sativa-syle pheno. Keep it up man. Rep+

... dunno man... :D

hey dwr your plants are lookin sweetttt..

wat up pimp?
:) Nothing, trying to get a winter job :) otherwise i am pretty relaxed :blsmoke:

yourself ?

DWR, looking fabulous. :mrgreen::peace:
Thnx Chicahhhhhhh :) eh ^^ :blsmoke:bongsmilie

you can say that again! i wish i could have that many plants going:mrgreen:
:) That wish can only be fullfilled by you, its possible... not much actually ^^


I'll be checkin on this every few days Dwr

Cool, I update nearly evry day or two.... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
not much up wit me 2, just takin it easy, your grow room will b plenty of work soon, and a good earn'r 2, u should come out with 25-30oz's??


Well-Known Member
not much up wit me 2, just takin it easy, your grow room will b plenty of work soon, and a good earn'r 2, u should come out with 25-30oz's??

aiming for 15x80... then 10x 80...... will be harvesting 2 weeks after main harvest....

so thats 1.2 + 0.80 = 2 Kilos for the year...... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
15oz from a 400W is about the ceiling on yield. That's a little over a gram per watt. 420 gram actually :). Most people don't get a gram per watt. I will be happy with .60 - .75 gram per watt or about 10 oz from 400W grow.


Well-Known Member
15oz from a 400W is about the ceiling on yield. That's a little over a gram per watt. 420 gram actually :). Most people don't get a gram per watt. I will be happy with .60 - .75 gram per watt or about 10 oz from 400W grow.

1.6 kg's.. from 1600w sounds good ;) :blsmoke::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
DAY 40 - Plants are healthy today, they are ready to absord this hps light.

Roots are comming out of all pots !!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhh... U see only problems now.,.... :-| Need to order 30cm pots..... guess i am going big... :-|

fuck...... !!!!!!!! and theres stupid black flys in there aswell...... I think they came with the soil i got !

shiat ! :joint: need a smoke !


Well-Known Member
Roots are comming out of all pots !!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhh... U see only problems now.,.... :-| Need to order 30cm pots..... guess i am going big... :-|

fuck...... !!!!!!!! and theres stupid black flys in there aswell...... I think they came with the soil i got !

shiat ! :joint: need a smoke !
dam man... i had lil black flys to. did nothing about them and when my plant started flowering they just up and were gone:clap: dont stress to much. and yeah put them in the largest pots you can fit. so you dont have to transplant again.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Your plants will actually grow faster if you don't jump up too many pot sizes at once. If you go from a tiny 6" pot to a 5gal pot, the plant is going to take a long time to grow roots and fill in that pot instead of growing up top.

If you go from a 6" pot to say an 8" pot, then a 3gal, then a 5gal, you will have much faster growth as the plant will fill the container with roots faster.

This was one of the things I learned while going to school for horticulture, and have actually seen it in person so I know its true. You can try it if you don't believe me.


Well-Known Member
plants look great, man roots must be growin real well if there comin out the pots

DAMN FLIES hose can fuck ur shit up quick but if u stop it now u can get some substantial damage control underway

looks great tho peace


Well-Known Member
i agree with bongrip =x.... i had plants i put in cups first and then some i put in 1 gal containers. the ones in cups are a lot more rooted and bigger....


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats are unavoidable, my friend. :evil::evil: They exist everywhere on the planet. Just get a few sticky pads and put in each pot to catch the adults and that will keep them under control. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats are by no means unavoidable. All you have to do is not bring air directly from outside and if you do, put a filter there. I have only had problems with fungus gnats twice in over 3yrs. You can keep hotshot no pest strips in there as well to keep them away. As long as you keep your air clean going in, then no bugs will ever bother you.


Well-Known Member
Roots are comming out of all pots !!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhh... U see only problems now.,.... :-| Need to order 30cm pots..... guess i am going big... :-|

fuck...... !!!!!!!! and theres stupid black flys in there aswell...... I think they came with the soil i got !

shiat ! :joint: need a smoke !
very nice dude! puff puff pass >>>> :joint:


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere that the gnants shit out something on the soil tat can b bad for your roots, but if u put a layer of sand on top that it does not get to roots then... i had them feckers last grow 2 from flowering on and i did nothing and they were fine,